Meeting Minutes
September 5, 2006
Unapproved minutes: See subsequent minutes for corrections
Present: Cecile Todd, John McDonough, Mark Stacey, Bob Oliver and Diane Benware
Also Present: Donna Pidgeon, John Hughes, Mary Hughes, Arlan Pidgeon,
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.
Pledge was recited.
Agenda was reviewed.
Approve Minutes of August 21, 2006
Discussion: none
Action: Bob Oliver made a motion to accept the minutes as written. John McDonough seconded. 4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 abstained (Mark Stacey). Motion passed.
Review and sign orders for bill payments
Discussion: Cecile Todd asked if Mrs. Eckels was going to share in the cost of gravel. She will share cost. However she has been in
Action: Bills were reviewed and signed.
Reports from Town Officials
Discussion: A light for the grader came in today. There is $381 left in the current park n ride funds. This will be used to purchase signs. A catalog for signs is provided. The bus route will begin in the middle of October. Peanut Foley wants a little more dirt. It was suggested that Arlan Pidgeon use the dirt from
Discussion: Tuesday night is the showing of the movie Lost in Suburbia. Paul Francoeur submitted a bid of $2868 for replacing door and casings on the town hall. This does not include material and labor for the bottom edge replacement. He will also work on screens. Screens may have to be made. The windows were donated. Bill McKibben is walking to
New Business
ATV Complaints
Discussion: There was not any discussion because complaint filers were not present.
Action: none
School storage of desk in cellar of Meeting House
Discussion: The school would like to store desks in the cellar of the meetinghouse. Currently they are stored in the garage. The desks get broken because things get placed on top of the student desks.
Action: Bob Oliver made a motion to grant permission for desks from the school be stored in the cellar of the Meeting House. Mark Stacey seconded. 5 ayes and 0 nays. Motion passed. Bob Oliver will show school personnel where to place the desks.
Blow/Cote’ trucks at Town Shed
Discussion: Blow/Cote’ would like to store three tractor-trailer loads of iron the week of September 18, 2006. The iron would be used on the bridge. The tractor-trailers are too long to back into the shed. An alternative is to park parallel to the road. Concern was expressed regarding the blocking of town shed.
Action: Arlan Pidgeon will contact Blow/Cote’ and Brad Ramsey.
Think about Mowing Bids for Budgeting
Discussion: The current language is unclear. The board must decide if a one or two-year bid is desired. Mark Stacey expressed concern that the price be firm. It was suggested to build in spring and fall mowing. Also discussed was that the amount include both clean up and mowing or to separate these as two separate bids.
Action: It was decided to use a two-year bid. Donna Pidgeon will get copies of the old bids to board members. Board members are to rewrite bid specs and share at the next meeting.
Zoning Board
Discussion: Ron Fisk requested that Gerald Flint (current alternative) replace Donna Swinington ( current member). Donna Swinington would become an alternate. Donna Swinington would become an alternate. Her current term expires Nov. 1, 2006.
Action: The board suggested that Donna Swinington serve out her current term Then the vacancy would be posted and opened up to the public. Diane Benware will contact Ron Fisk.
Old Business
Animal Control Officer
Discussion: Jeffery Bradish, Brian Webb and Kim Schroeder were contacted regarding the position. Kim Schroeder told the board he would continue as animal abuse person, but to please chose someone else for the animal control position. Kim Schroeder would be available to help if needed. Brian Webb has had his shots and owns his own equipment. Jeffrey Bradish had not had his shots.
Action: Bob Oliver made a motion to hire Brian Webb as animal control officer. Cecile Todd seconded. 4 ayes, 0 nays and 1 abstained (Mark Stacey) Mr. Stacey had not been able to attend the interviews. Diane Benware will contact the candidates.
Town Hall Ramp Agreement
Discussion: A bid was dropped off. The frame and rail would be pressure treated wood. The decking would be rhino decking. The door would be fiberglass instead of steel. Locksets would be utilized. The interior door is not part of the bid. It has to be widened. Questions were asked regarding if the door needed to be fire proof. Paul will need to check the interior door and bathroom door for size. The historical society may be willing to pay for the interior door.
Action: none
Junk Ordinance
Discussion: Mr. Sutton has removed 18 tires from his residence. There is still more junk to be removed. The Cram residence has a lot of cars, but they appear to be registered. The Cram residence does not have a lot of garbage bags on the property. Veronica Carroll continues to have a bus and three unregistered vehicles as well as garbage on the side of the road. The Coon residence has garbage everywhere. This is a health concern.
Action: Buckey Shackett will be contacted regarding the Coon residence. John McDonough made a motion to authorize Cecile Todd to issue ticket after September 7, 2006 to Veronica Carroll. Mark Stacey seconded. Motion passed.
Environmental Assistance Office
Discussion: Jim Curry is licensed as a compound and intake yard. He is bonded as a hauler and does not sell parts. He does not qualify as a salvage yard. He should not be listed on the request. Shadowland is not a salvage yard. Cecile Todd took a ride to note anyone else that may qualify as a salvage yard.
Action: The list will be sent.
Truck Weight
Discussion: There is a 24000-pound weight limit for rigs. The DMV should weigh trucks going through
Honor Roll
Discussion: Names on the honor roll have to be verified. The board needs to decide what wars to include. The existing honor roll has approximately 68 names on it. The names are servicemen from WWII. Donna and Gary Whitman have been contacted. Their workload is “out” four months. They have been to the existing honor roll to take pictures. They are to be preparing an estimate to paint or redo the honor roll completely. The budget for next spring should include the honor roll. Lawrence A. Felion Jr. expressed his frustration at how long the process is taking.
Action: Diane Benware will contact Donna and Gary Whitman. She will report back on September 18,2006.
Limited Public Opinion
Discussion: Mark Stacey shared that he had clocked two drivers recently at 89 and 91 mph.
Discussion: none
Action: Bob Oliver made a motion to adjourn at 8:53pm. Mark Stacey seconded. Motion passed. 5 ayes and 0 nays.
Respectfully Submitted
Betty Wiedenbein