Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

May 15, 2006

Leicester Select Board Meeting

Unapproved Minutes:  See subsequent minutes for corrections


Members Present:  Cecile Todd, Diane Benware, Bob Oliver, Mark Stacey and John McDonough


Townspeople present:  Donna Pidgeon, Arlan Pidgeon, Mary Hughes, John Hughes, Virginia Wolf, Lawrence A. Felion Jr., Al Watson, Jerry Flint and Chas Johnson


The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The agenda was reviewed. During the review of minutes, Diane Benware shared that she had written to Scott Harvey, Finance person at Vermont AOT for a detailed break down of engineering and right of way costs.


Approval of Minutes

May 1, 2006

Discussion:  Page 2     Dianne Harvey (misspelled)

                     Page 2    Under Culvert Policy, replace with:  A driveway is to be at least 12 feet in width and the culvert (18 inch diameter) not less than 20 feet long.

                     Page 3     Under Cemetery Clean Up. Change  budgeted to available

                     Page 5     Under Blaise Fire, change Diane Benware to Jim Carroll

                     Page 5     Under Dirt Roads, add Fern Lake

Action:  Diane Benware made a motion to accept the minutes as corrected.  Bob Oliver seconded.  Motion passed. 5 ayes and 0 nays.



May 11, 2006

Discussion:  It was asked why there are so many executive sessions.    It was explained that this particular executive session was needed because the board would be discussing pending legal action.  At the next meeting there would be an open meeting explaining the status and background information. 

Action:  Mark Stacey made a motion to accept the minutes.  Bob Oliver seconded.  Motion passed.  5 ayes and 0 nays.



Review and Sign Orders for Bill Payments

Discussion:  Cecile Todd questioned paying Arlan Pidgeon to power wash the loader and one truck (Arlan’s), with plow, wing and sander.  Arlan Pidgeon stated that the board has always paid for this in the past.  He went on to explain that he used his power washer, electricity and water.

Action:  The board and Arlan Pidgeon will have a meeting in executive session in the future.  Guidelines will be established.


Reports form other Town Officials or Committees

Discussion:  Arlan Pidgeon contacted landowner, Mr. Alburn,  on Rt. 53 for permission to utilize a portion of his property as a by-pass while a culvert was replaced.  Mr. Alburn did not grant permission and did not give a reason.  The alternative is to shut Route 53 down for about 10-12 hours to install the culvert.

Lower Bullock Road has been very muddy.  There is a big drop off at Ed Foley’s.  Markowski gave the Town six free loads of gravel.  Six is what they gave last year.  Arlan Pidgeon reported that he had pressure washed the loader and the town truck was to be done.  He had oiled the grader and loader.

Action: none


Discussion:  Cemetery Committee has $279.88 left in grant money to spend on shrubs and flowers.  Meeting schedule is on bulletin board.

Action: none


Discussion: Lem Palmer had contacted John McDonough regarding the $10 fee for freon deposit. He should receive a ticket from the landfill for each.  Lem Palmer reported to John that people were throwing out household garbage and the use of white bags.  Donna Pidgeon suggested having a dumpster out every four months.

Action:  Diane Benware will call to get information.



Yard Sale Permission

Discussion:  Carol Leno asked permission to use the 4 corners this Saturday for a yard sale, weather permitting.  It was asked if traffic control would be needed. It was decided that this would not be necessary since it was only one sale and cars could pull off the side of the road.  However, it was mentioned that traffic control would be in place on June 17.  Also, questioned was whether the town would be responsible if someone got hurt.  The answer was yes.  A policy needs to be written so there is consistency.

Action:  John McDonough made a motion to give Carol Leno permission to use the 4 corner area to conduct a yard sale, weather permitting.  Carol Leno will be responsible for providing her own supplies and cleaning up the area after the sale.  Bob Oliver seconded.  Motion passed.  5 ayes and 0 nays.


Sign Road Weight Permits

Discussion:  Arlan Pidgeon, road foreman, reviewed the permits.  Bob Oliver and John McDonough, road commissioners reviewed the permits.

Action:  Road permits were signed.


Training for Clerk/Treasurer $ per hour

Discussion:  Donna Pidgeon explained that two persons had come forward with an interest in being trained for the anticipated clerk/treasurer position.  They had come in a

couple of days for training.  The community at large gave approval to proceed in this way at the town meeting. There is $5000 budgeted for training.  Cecile Todd expressed that

she hoped the board would not need to budget another $5000 next year.  Virginia Wolf expressed that there is not an official resignation so there should not be training.  She reminded the board that the people have to approve the clerk/treasurer via election.  You may have two individuals who train and do not want the position.  Or you may have two persons running for the same office.  Or the position could be split and one person may be the clerk and another the treasurer.  There were many possibilities of what could happen.

Action: Bob Oliver made a motion that the board pay trainees $8.00 per hour, up to 10 hours per week.  Donna Pidgeon will report back to the board by July 1, 2006.  Cecile Todd seconded.  Motion passed. 5 ayes and 0 nays.



Discussion:  Donna Pidgeon reported that the CD at the Brandon First National Bank has a maturity date of Thursday, May 18, 2006.  There is a ten-day roll over period. 

Action:  Bob Oliver made a motion to authorize Donna Pidgeon reinvest $45000 plus interest into a one year CD (about 4% interest rate) and to place $35000 plus interest for the reappraisal back into a money market (about 1.75% interest rate) There is no penalty for withdrawals from the money market.

 Mark Stacey seconded.  Motion passed. 5 ayes and 0 nays.


Vermont Sun

Vermont Sun was originally to be placed on tonight’s agenda.  They notified Diane Benware and Donna Pidgeon at approximately 1:30 today that they were unable to attend. An offer was made to reschedule the meeting.  Vermont Sun declined and stated they would be in touch. There was concern expressed by some townspeople that Vermont Sun was not on the agenda.  Diane Benware explained that it was in the April 17 minutes that had requested and were approved for fifteen minutes because Jim Carroll had advised the board to do so to protect themselves in regard to due process. The agenda was printed late this afternoon. John McDonough stated that the meeting was warned, due process was given, the board acted in good faith and that Vermont Sun could have sent a representative.  The first race is coming up soon.   If the race is run, the town is not liable.  Diane Benware has been in contact with the Salisbury Select Board Chair, Ken Babbitt. 

John McDonough asked if the board had received any more bills from Jim Carroll for legal fees in relationship to Vermont Sun.  The answer was no.





Diane Benware contacted the school.  Bids will be mailed to seven bidders.  The 2 for 1 grant was not granted.  The board has $40000 budgeted for paving.  It was suggested that the road foreman and road commissioners meet with bidders.

Action:  Bidders are requested to conduct site inspections with road foreman and road commissioners on Sat., June 3 at 10:00am or Thurs., June 1 at 6 pm at the town office.  All work must be completed by August 15, 2006.


Junk Ordinance

Discussion:  Veronica Carroll would like someone to check her property to make sure she is in compliance with the ordinance.  The McCoys and Coons are making efforts to clean up their properties.  Arlan Pidgeon said he would take refrigerators and washer if they are not full of garbage The Leicester General Store is open without certification.  The select board will support the zoning board.  .

Action:  Cecile Todd will write a compliance form letter.  She is keeping track of days each letter is sent. Cecile Todd will send out new junk ordinance letters.



Discussion:  Charles Johnson expressed concern that the board was not using its secretary.  He felt she should be taking minutes and writing correspondence.

Action: none


Prudential Board Meeting

Discussion: The Selectboard will meet with the Brandon Fire District Prudential Board. The meeting will be held on May 22, 2006 at 5pm.at the Brandon Fire station.

Action: none


Keith’s Fuels

Discussion:  A suggestion to top off the tanks was made.

Action:  Tanks will be topped off for the summer.  The board will wait rather than locking in a price this early.



Discussion:  none

Action:  Mark Stacey made a motion to adjourn.  Bob Oliver seconded.  Motion passed.  5 ayes and 0 nays.  Meeting adjourned at 9:55pm.


Respectfully Submitted,

Betty Wiedenbein


The next regularly scheduled meeting will be June 5,2006 at 7pm.