Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes


Monday, March 21, 2011




** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Bob Oliver


Others Present:   Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, James Russo, Kate Briggs, Sandra Trombley, Secretary


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Review of Agenda:  Agenda reviewed. 


Approval of Minutes of March 8, 2011:


Motion by Tom to approve minutes of March 8, 2011 as written.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.


Review/Authorize Payment of Bills:  Bills making their rounds for signatures. 


Weight Permits:


Arlan reviewed permits and they looked alright.  Bob signed them.


Reports from Town Officials, Committees:


Town Clerk/Treasurer:


Julie reported that delinquent taxes are at $76,900; including penalties and interest they are at $91,700.  They are coming in bits and pieces.  She hasn’t heard anything from Beth about when there will be a tax sale.


Tom Roberts is coming tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. to go over the financial plan.


Motion by Ron that if three members are here they will sign document and Tom Roberts can take the document with him.  Second by Tom.  All in favor.  So approved.



Julie asked who the Sergeant at Arms was for Leicester.


Motion by Tom to appoint Julie as Sergeant at Arms.  Second by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.


Ken will be on call to assist Julie with the flag whenever possible, if there are issues.


Julie received a grant application from the Secretary of State’s office for voting access for individuals with disabilities.  The grant can be up to $5,000.  Application proposal due April 15th.


There was discussion what the grant could be used for. 


Action:  Tom will look at the area in question and if he feels there is room, he will contact a local contractor for an estimate.


Zoning Administrator: 


Planning Commission and Claire Tebbs from Regional Planning are working on the Town Plan.


Green Up is May 7th.  Lem will pick up green up bags.  Discussion about a cook out and solicit prizes.  Will bring it up at the 250 Meeting on April 6th.


Road Foreman:


They are working on dirt roads and hauling gravel.


Lister Report:   


Jim Russo was introduced.  Jim made a brief report of what the new listers have done.


Jim had a proposal that in lieu of being paid mileage that the driver would put in for an extra hour of pay.


Motion by Tom to offer driver of Listers, reimbursement for mileage, at federal rate, for traveling for training.  Second by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.


Julie will put a separate line for mileage reimbursement in the budget.


Jim reported that the Listers will have a log as to what they are doing.


Cemetery Committee:    None







Lister Resignation:


Letter read from Tim Johnson resigning from his Lister position effective March 22, 2011. 


Motion by Tom to accept Tim’s letter of resignation with regrets.  Second by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.  Chair will send letter.


Motion by Ron to authorize Chair to place a classified ad on behalf of Town to fulfill vacant town lister position until March 2012.  Letters of interest due to Town Office on or before April 4, 2011.  For more information, contact Julie Delphia.  Second by Tom.  All in favor.  So approved.


Roads/Bridges Standards


Standards reviewed. 


Action:   Town of Leicester is adopting and signing the Roads/Bridges Standards for the State of Vermont.




Paving Decisions:


Paving Grants are due April 4, 2011.  Town will be submitting a grant application.  With current fuel prices, Gary would need $75/$80 ton.  Arlan and/or Tom will talk with Gary.


We would probably specify Swinington Hill Road from town line up the hill as far as they could go and/or Maple Run Road.  Not sure how to proceed.  Ask Tom Roberts tomorrow.


Sheriff’s Department:


Board member reported an incident about a week ago, where a citizen with no violations in their driving career, received a speeding ticket of $152 in a speed trap.  A warning would have been sufficient.  Board member has not received a call back from Sheriff’s Department.


Discussion about our prior instructions to the Sheriff’s Department and the traffic study that was done and changing speed limits.


Motion by Tom to authorize Chair to invite both Jim Coons and Mark Stacey to our next meeting, April 4, 2011.  Second by Ron.  All in favor.  So approved.


Action:  Chair will write letter and phone to discuss Board’s concerns.




Letter from resident:


Letter from Bonnie & Charles Johnson was read requesting replacement of their mailbox that was destroyed by snowplow.  They provided a quote of $58.85 without tax.


Action:  Chair will research requirements for mailbox setbacks.


Action:  The letter has been read into the record and pending further information, no action has been taken at this time.


Humane Society Contract:


Action:  Board signed Addison County Humane Society Contract, option 2.


Limited Public Opinion:  None


Motion by Tom to adjourn at 8:15 p.m.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.


Next meeting, Monday, April 4, 2011.



 Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley

Selectboard Secretary