Meeting Minutes
Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, October 3, 2011
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Ron Fiske, Robert Oliver
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, James Russo, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Review of Agenda: Agenda reviewed.
Approval of Minutes: September 19, 2011:
Motion by Tom to approve minutes as written for September 19, 2011. Second by Bob. All in favor. So approved.
Review/Authorize Payment of Bills: Bills making their rounds for signatures.
Weight Permits: None
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Zoning Administrator:
Kate shared a letter she received from Jeff Smith in answer to her letter about his wetland’s permit. Chair read the letter for the record.
ACRP scheduled their quarterly zoning forum for tomorrow at 10:00 about flood hazard review. Kate plans to attend. Ron and Kate are scheduled to go to VLCT on October 19th also about flood related issues.
Kate and Diane will get together about the grant tomorrow afternoon. A report needs to be done at the half way point.
Kate talked about an application submitted by Mr. Sweeney to extend his deck. ZBA will be hearing this application at the ZBA Meeting on October 25th.
Health Officer:
Jim received a call last Friday from a concerned citizen of Leicester. She had called the State and the State directed her to Jim to file a complaint. Her apartment has an infestation of fleas. She didn’t know where to turn. No one was giving her any advice.
Jim got information on the name of the landlord and the landlord’s agent and gave them a call. Jim checked with the State; and according to the State, Jim had to go do an investigation to determine what the infestation was; fleas or bed bugs. Since Tropical Storm Irene came through, the State has had a large number of complaints about fleas.
Jim contacted the landlord’s agent and made an appointment and visited the property last Monday at 2303 Fern Lake Road. It seems it has been an ongoing problem for the last few months. One apartment on the top floor was really bad and hasn’t been taken care of properly.
He did take some pictures. A child had a lot of flea bites.
Jim gave them water test kits.
Jim found fire code violations and safety issues that he cited. The landlord’s agent is working on the problems.
Jim will go back in 45 days for another inspection.
Tom made a motion to pay Jim $10 hour for health officer position until new budget year. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Lister Report:
Jim shared information about the complaint about appraisers previously discussed. Jim is not happy and wants to sit down and talk with Ed. Jim is waiting for Ed to call back.
Julie shared her personal opinion about the complaint.
Julie shared another comment she received from a homeowner. The appraiser asked personal questions from this man’s wife. Appraiser was asking personal questions that had nothing to do with the reappraisal process or information. Jim and Julie keep hearing things that if true are not appropriate.
Jim stated that there is not that many left to make appointments.
Jim is waiting for the date for the appeal.
Town Clerk/Treasurer Report:
Julie has received the renewal forms from VLCT. It includes the town buildings. Discussion of what the Board would like to do. Town has used guaranteed replacement cost currently and in the past. A decision needs to be made as it has to go in next Wednesday.
There was discussion on building categories and different categories of value and equipment and contents in the buildings.
Julie will ask for a one week extension on returning the renewal form. Julie will ask VLCT a whole bunch of questions.
Motion by Ron to authorize Chair to make decision on the renewal form. Second by Ken. No vote.
Jim will put the buildings in the appointment slots for next Wednesday and talk with appraisers and ask them to reappraise four Town buildings so board has better information by which to make better decisions on property values.
Julie compiled costs for the two days of work on Old Jerusalem Road and Leicester Whiting Road and grading by the culvert. She is at $5,811. There is about $600 more for the grading work.
Julie reported on the highway budget. Right now we are over budget by $12,900.
$59,134.76 for culvert grant.
Motion by Ron to authorize Treasurer to transfer $5,868.55 from the restricted equipment fund to be put into the general fund. Second by Tom. All in favor. So approved.
Road Foreman Report:
Arlan mentioned that Jim Robinson bought a camp across from Point Counter Point and wants to put in a culvert. He said he will buy a 12” culvert. There is a little ditching to do. Arlan will give him a price on excavating and see what he will pay.
Arlan still has to put in a culvert and some ditching for Mr. Chin.
Tom was approached by one of the highway workers. He wants a raise. No action taken.
Cemetery Committee Report:
Two trees have been cut. There was a base for a headstone put in with no prior approval. They are having a meeting Thursday night.
FEMA Update/Request for Assistance:
Every request brings more money into the County. Chair reported that the first initial request for public assistance has been done.
There will be another round to request public assistance.
Mr. Luxenburg will be coming Thursday with project worksheets.
Town Shed:
Ron reported that the insulation was put in wrong in the ceiling and it is sucking heat right out of the building. Power vents need to go. Remedy would be to put in a new ceiling. It would probably take 50 sheets. It would pay for itself in two to three years. Ron will do more research.
Ken will research spray foam information and prices. Need to get figures for our next budget year and research for a long-term plan.
Tom mentioned that wiring and lighting needs to be updated.
Traffic Ordinance:
Our Traffic Ordinance goes into effect October 14, 2011. Arlan will get the new signs needed or use some we have. Diane will send the Ordinance to the Sheriff’s Department.
250 Committee:
October 23, 2011: Foxcroft Farm is hosting a Corn Maze, Pig Roast, Apple Crisp, Music, and Pasture Bingo from Noon to 4:00 P.M. Donations are strongly encouraged. The money will be sent to the Vermont Disaster Relief Fund. They will be selling hats and pumpkins.
October 29, 2011: Inviting people to bring their carved pumpkins from 4:00 – 6:00. Serving cider, donut holes and snacks.
Next meeting, Monday, October 17, 2011.
Motion by Ken and second by Tom to adjourn at 8:35 p.m. All in favor. So approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary