Meeting Minutes
Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 21, 2011
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Ron Fiske, Robert Oliver
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, James Russo, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Review of Agenda: Agenda reviewed.
Approval of Minutes: November 8 & 19, 2011:
Motion by Tom to approve minutes as written for November 8, 2011 & November 19, 2011. Second by Bob. All in favor. So approved.
Review/Authorize Payment of Bills: Bills making their rounds for signatures. Julie clarified an invoice. Bills approved.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Town Clerk/Treasurer Report:
Delinquent taxes are at $94,176.
Julie provided a copy of the professional audit for Board to read with a letter to sign. There were no issues reported.
Motion by Tom to authorize Chair to read and sign on behalf of the Board. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Julie reported that the Executive Director, David Tucker of Vermont 911 responded to everyone via mass email explaining the process and how things are done. It basically stated that Julie over reacted. Julie thanked him and responded in return to everyone that she didn’t necessarily agree with Mr. Tucker’s response. It doesn’t assure that everyone is safe. The Comcast agent understands the problem and is working with Julie and has not heard from Vermont 911.
The server was installed last week. Mike is coming back next week to change out the router.
Julie received a call from FEMA. They requested the invoices from Old Jerusalem Road faxed to them.
Julie spoke with Brian Webb about his availability and Brian hoped there could be someone as his backup. Brian is struggling to find the time and be available. There are still dogs identified as unregistered dogs in Town. Brian mentioned Barry Forbes. Julie asked him to talk with Barry Forbes to see if he might be interested and what he would charge. Julie thought Brian was coming to the meeting because he hadn’t sent the information he promised.
Health Officer:
Jim reported that on Saturday he received a phone call from Porter Hospital of another animal bite from a kitten. Jim made some phone calls to the person that was bitten and to Brian Webb to inform him. No phone call was returned until Sunday night from Brian. Received a phone call Tuesday from the person bitten and it was a cat 1 ½ years old. Jim gave him instructions to isolate the cat and watch it. The cat has not been vaccinated or neutered/spayed. Jim will call him back next week.
Jim reported that the landlord’s agent wrote down the wrong date for the flea infestation inspection. They are getting together this week for the inspection.
Lister Report:
Jim reported that Chris was in the area today and Jim had about 10 appointments for him. They are down to about 15-16 properties at the lake. Chris will not be available for a couple months. Chris wanted a list of permits for the area. He will probably do a day just looking at the projects and where they are at. They are entering data into the computer.
There are a couple deeds they are checking and property transfers. They are keeping the grand list up-to-date.
Road Foreman Report:
Arlan put up speed limit signs.
He reported they have graded the Cram Road, upper Bullock Road, Shackett Road, and most of Hooker Road.
Ron reported that vehicles are destroying the lower Bullock Road. Ron wondered if some big rocks could be put on the corner on the Leicester River side to keep them out. They are making a mess. Arlan will check into it.
Julie mentioned the damage that has been done to Roger Scarborough’s property; tearing up his lawn. They are also tearing up the lawn between Roger’s house and the Johnson’s.
Ron reported that two speed limit signs need to be changed on the Whiting line from the swamp back to Stove Pipe 30 mph. The 30mph sign right here at the school that’s got to come back up to the Bullock Road.
Jim asked about reduced speed ahead signs from going 50 mph to 30mph.
Motion by Ron to approve the bills as submitted. Second by Tom. All in favor. So approved. Orders signed.
There was discussion about the possible change of procedure for Sheriff Patrols.
Julie wanted to discuss budget at the December 5th meeting.
Julie reported receiving the money for the Culvert Grant in the amount of $56,054.66. Julie recommended they not transfer the money back until they are closer to the end of the year. The Board was in agreement.
Permits for Vermont Sun Triathlon:
There are four different races being held starting 6/24 – 8/26. There will be 175 participants. Diane will get her draft letter printed and copied that indicated their concerns to send to Commissioner Flynn requesting a meeting.
Dog Issue:
Ken received a phone call today from Bob Hope on Rte. 53 in regard to his neighbor’s vicious dogs. Eric Baker has three vicious dogs that chase his grandchildren into the house and attack their vehicles when they drive in or out of the driveway. Bob is very discouraged with the Town. He has tried endlessly to get in touch with Brian Webb. He has once or twice over the last months. They will hitch them for a day and the next day they are right back at it again. Bob feels the Town needs to do something.
Julie reported that only one of these dogs is legally registered. Two of the dogs were taken and brought to the Addison County Humane Society and they had to pay to get them out; so they all do have rabies shots. Brian has been there on a couple of occasions. Julie has asked that he go there again. Brian is uncomfortable going there alone/concerns about going there. Julie recommended him taking a constable with him. Brian was going to contact the Sheriff’s Office and see what it would cost to have a Sheriff accompany him.
The last vicious dog incident, Julie could not get a Sheriff or State Police to respond.
Julie reported that there have been several complaints about the dogs. There continue to be complaints about the dogs. Unlicensed dogs can be fined up to $500 per dog. Unregistered dogs can be destroyed.
Chair will write a strongly worded letter, with Clerk’s input that will state the statutes on behalf of the Board to Eric & Misty Baker, Dorey Lane and Lanphear’s on US Rt7, giving them five days from receipt of the letter. The letter will be sent regular mail and return receipt requested. They will send Bob Hope a copy of the Baker letter.
Town Shed:
Ken reported that we need to find out if we can acquire the adjoining property or a boundary line adjustment.
Ron stated there would be stages of procedure.
Chair will send letter to Phyllis Strickland of the Strickland Trust to see if they are interested in considering selling a piece of land adjacent to Town Shed.
Jim will provide address to the Board.
Ron will look at tax map to get dimensions of lot.
Motion by Ken, second by Ron to adjourn at 8:10 p.m.
Next Selectboard Meeting, Monday, December 5, 2011. School Board and budget will be on agenda.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary