Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes


Monday, April 18, 2011




** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Bob Oliver


Others Present:   Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Donna Pidgeon, James Russo, Kate Briggs, Sandra Trombley, Secretary


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Review of Agenda:  Agenda reviewed. 


Approval of Minutes of April 4, 2011:


Motion by Tom to approve minutes of April 4, 2011 as written.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.


Review/Authorize Payment of Bills:  Bills making their rounds for signatures.  Two new people at the recycling center.


Reports from Town Officials, Committees:


Zoning Administrator:


Kate talked about Green Up on May 7th.  She is speaking at the school and asked to be on a radio station.  Lem Palmer will pick up the trash for $475, a $25 increase from last year due to gas prices.


The district has a contract with Addison County Sheriff’s Department to patrol and investigate illegal dumping at no charge to the Town.


Kate has contacted people for raffle and cook out.


Discussion about Jeff Smith’s property on Hooker Road in regard to a mapped wetland.  Gravel was being dumped onto the site.  Kate went and talked with him.  Kate feels there is a zoning violation and will site him for that.  Kate will petition the Environmental Court to rescind his permit because if you can’t build a boat house then he is just building a shed and he hasn’t met the setback requirements. 


Martin Lapidus has agreed to be a ZBA Alternate.  Connie Carroll is willing to be a regular.  ZBA needs to send a letter of recommendation to the Selectboard.


Discussion of Driveway Access Permit Application.  Tom will get information for Kate.  Kate recommends a fee of $25.


Tom mentioned he saw classes on new regulations for junkyards thru VLCT.


Lister Report:   


Jim Russo reported that they are working on current use list.


They are working on reappraisals for Chris.


Charlie Makovec called Jim about his interest in a lister position if it becomes available.


TOEC Seminar next week.


Jim is meeting with Ed next week.  Chris was open to what the Board wants them to do.  He will have more information for the next meeting.


Jim’s main concern for this year is the grievances coming up.


Town Clerk/Treasurer:


Julie was happy to report that the Town won their appeal for the CLA.  They went with a two year timeframe and changes the CLA from 106.33 to 113.17.  This saves the taxpayers of the Town about $140,000.


She reported that we need to be 100% compliant to apply for the grant for the bathroom.  We are not 100% ADA compliant, so if they wanted to remodel the bathroom dollars would need to come out of the budget.


Howards Fire Control stopped in and asked about checking the fire extinguishers for $50 per.  Tom will contact FireProtec out of Burlington.  They are much cheaper.


Gentlemen from Vermont Correctional Industries stopped in the Town Office.  Vermont Offenders Work Program.  They make signs and self fund their program.  They would work on a sign inventory and plan for the Town for free.  We need a plan by January.  Julie gave them a map of the roads.  Julie took the information and provided it in the packet.  There is no commitment by the Town.  He offered to come to a meeting.


Julie reported that delinquent taxes are at $73,500; not including penalties and interest.


210 dogs registered.  There is a list of delinquents in their folder.


Gus Letourneau has a bill for $400 for spring clean up of the cemetery.  Tom will check it out. Hold invoice for next bill cycle.


Julie received the true up for the education tax for 2010.  Our payment for June 1 is $42,207.33, a decrease from $62,488.


The next meeting will have paperwork for tax anticipation loan.




Donna needs Selectboard minutes from January to date.  Sandy will email minutes.


Cemetery Committee:   


Julie purchased a new flag for cemetery.  Reviewed minutes.


Road Foreman:


Arlan reported that they have been grading and hauling gravel.


Ken recommended they put grader in classifieds at VLCT. 


Action:  Chair will place an ad for grader in VLCT classifieds for $4,000.


Discussion about sweeping intersection.  Arlan has a sweeper.  The bridge needs sweeping and then needs to be washed.  Will ask Whiting Fire Department to wash bridge and will give them a $250 donation.


Weight Permits:


Arlan reviewed permit for United Natural Foods out of Chesterfield, NH.  Bob will sign.


Tobacco & Liquor License:


Tobacco & Liquor License for Leicester General Store.  Board signed.


CLA Document:


Document states that Board accepts the results of the petition for redetermination and accepts the 113.17 CLA.  Chair signed on behalf of the Board.


Julie provided a draft of a letter in regard to mailbox placement.  Send letter to three parties whose mailboxes were identified as too close.


Appointment of Fire Warden:


Ken will contact Rick Nicklaw to see if he would like to be re-appointed as Fire Warden.  Deadline May 23rd.


Meeting House Sidewalk:


Discussion of Meeting House sidewalk.  Ken recused himself from discussion based on conflict of interest.


Motion by Tom that Mike will continue the work contingent upon signing paperwork with Julie prior to completing work and work to our specifications and not exceed the original quote.  Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.


Tom, Bob, Ron will meet with Mike tomorrow to discuss how to proceed.


In the future, check with more than one person in town to do the work.




Animal Control Officer:  Dog Complaint:


Brian Webb is interested in doing dog census.


Ken received a call from Jill Comes on Delorm Road about two separate dog attacks on their goats.  They are asking for help.  She called State Police and Salisbury Animal Control Officer.  The dog is a German Shepherd owned by Cheryl Manns.  Ken provided photos.  Witnesses to the 2nd attack.


Julie informed that it was an unregistered dog.


Brian Webb went once.  If he goes again, he would like someone to go with him.


Scheduled hearing to investigate a complaint of nuisance and vicious dog scheduled for Monday, April 25th at 6:30 p.m.


Both parties need to be reminded there is a leash law in Town.




Dues for Vermont Cemetery Association and Old Cemetery Association are due April 20th.   They are $25 and $10.


Motion by Ron to authorize Julie to write a check for $140 for a lifetime membership to the Vermont Cemetery Association.  Second by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.


250 Committee Update:


Pig Roast, cole slaw, baked beans, rolls, and community members to bring desserts.  Looking for donations.


Limited Public Opinion:  None


Motion by Bob to adjourn at 8:37 p.m.  Second by Tom.  All in favor.  So approved.


Next meeting, Monday, May 2nd, 2011.



 Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley

Selectboard Secretary