Meeting Minutes
Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Ron Fiske, Robert Oliver
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, James Russo, Kate Briggs & spouse, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Review of Agenda: Agenda reviewed.
Julie reported that there was a letter in the packet from the Department of Taxes stating that they are requiring us to do a reappraisal of the town.
Motion by Tom to authorize Julie to write a letter on board’s behalf to the Department of Taxes thanking them for their concern and the board has already taken care of the reappraisal process. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Approval of Minutes: August 15, 2011
Motion by Ron and second by Tom to approve minutes of August 15, 2011. All in favor. So approved.
Review/Authorize Payment of Bills: Bills making their rounds for signatures.
Weight Permits: None
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Town Clerk/Treasurer Report:
Julie reported that she sat in on a phone conference set up by VLCT attended by various government agencies and towns. She recommended we document everything related to Irene storm damage just as if we were getting FEMA money. Take pictures of Delorm and Ferson Roads, and come up with a list of materials and document everything and track separately. There is no FEMA money now, but perhaps there might be later, so document so we can apply later. Maybe there will be money.
Joann Trudeau expressed to the board her gratitude for Arlan, Scott and Kevin shuttling them back and forth so they could get to work. From 6:00 – 8:00 there was someone there.
Julie reported that Sudbury did offer their help with the evacuation.
Motion by Ron and second by Diane to authorize Julie to pay Arlan and Scott for invoice #35 week ending 9/3, make payments toward loan as needed, pay overpayments to taxes as needed, pay Julie’s fees for August, pay toward the education taxes as funds are available as appropriate. Second by Diane. All in favor. So approved.
There were four properties processed through the tax sale and one was not.
Delinquent taxes $49,700.
Road Foreman Report:
Busy with storm related issues. Discussion about paying Kevin New for helping Arlan with shuttling citizens through flooded area. They worked three days. Arlan stated that Kevin didn’t expect anything.
Motion by Tom to give Kevin New $250. Table motion until Julie looks into how to compensate for voluntary work.
Discussion about flooding on Jerusalem Road. Arlan will check it out. When water goes down Arlan will get white stone from SLC to fill in where it has been washed out.
Other projects:
Sign down off Wheeler Road and Shackett Road. The board would like to see more brush cutting. The shumack on Shackett Road, cedars growing into road off Wheeler Road and more on Jerusalem Road.
Motion by Tom to authorize Arlan to contact Mr. Bagley and see when he could do more brush cutting on Shackett Road and off Wheeler Road. Second by Ron. All in favor.
Lister Report:
Jim Russo reported that reappraisal of lake property is mostly done. Setting up appointment for the properties not done.
Phone calls being returned.
Went to meeting on Equalization Study.
Errors & Omissions:
Veterans Exemption was overlooked on Tim Johnson when the exemptions for Veterans were done. Jim explained how it happened.
The Board signed the errors and omission document for veteran’s exemption for Tim Johnson.
Health Officer:
Jim was contacted by State about flooding and evacuation of Junction to see if there was anything they could do. He gave them information on how many were affected. They faxed over emergency procedures for after flood information. 15 water test kits are coming to be distributed. Jim needs to gather information and send them a report. Jim will be contacting Ray Lalumiere.
Jim was notified today by Porter Hospital that there was a dog bite over at the redemption center on Saturday. Heather LaDuke witnessed a dog fight between two boxers and a yellow lab. She first thought it was her yellow lab; because she has a yellow lab. She thought the dog got out of her car, so she went over and grabbed the boxers away from the yellow lab. In doing so, she was bitten. She was bitten in the left hand.
Jim contacted Ms. LaDuke and she explained incident. She talked to the boxers’ owner but did not get the owner’s name. The owner of the yellow lab put the dog in the car and took off. She inquired to the operator of the transfer station to see if he had a napkin due to bleeding. There was someone that was an EMT that looked at her hand. She did go to the hospital.
Jim investigated to see who had registered boxers in town and came up with three names. It turned out to be the Hanson’s dogs. Mrs. Hanson told Jim she had talked with Heather and everything was fine. Mrs. Hanson told Jim that the owner of the yellow lab was Tim Comes.
Jim will make a phone call to Mr. Comes and get his side. Jim will give a report to the Animal Control Officer. He must complete an Animal Bite Form.
Julie reported an incident where the yellow lab was brought to the Town Office and dropped off by someone who found the dog. The dog was friendly and jumped right into her car. Jill Comes came and picked the dog up and said she was going to be taking him to the Humane Society.
Board requested Jim keep track of his hours.
Zoning Administrator:
Adam Lougee from ACRP came August 30th to do training on roles of PC and ZBA members.
Update on Jeff Smith’s permit.
Motion by Tom to authorize Kate to run a letter she’s writing back to Jeff Smith by our Town Attorney, Jim Carroll for his review. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Cemetery Committee Report:
Tom discussed a couple dead trees in the cemetery. Tom will talk with Vaillancourt Tree Service to get prices to take down trees and clean up and come back to the Board.
Tom mentioned that he would like to see the web-site brought up-to-date and maintained. There was discussion how this might happen. Julie will check into some options.
Emergency Preparedness:
In light of the most recent storm and water damage to other town offices, Julie wanted to bring awareness to the Board of land records and other documents that could become compromised. Leicester was lucky and records were not compromised like other towns. She wanted to remind everyone that Leicester’s vault is not water tight. It has flooded before. There are cracks on the wall. We are running out of space in the vault and also it needs climate control due to humidity. Even if everything were to be copied, to lose originals, would be a great loss of history. Julie just wanted the situation to be thought about.
Town Shed:
Ron reported that insulation needs to be fixed and siding. Structurally the building is in good shape.
Motion by Tom to authorize Ron to develop a spec list of work that needs to be done on the Town Shed by September 19, 2011 meeting. Second by Bob. All in favor. So approved.
Draft Letter to Department of Public Safety:
Diane created a draft letter to the Department of Public Safety speaking for Leicester and Salisbury requesting a meeting with Commissioner Flynn about concerns over permits being issued for bicycle races over the objections of residents in the two Towns over safety concerns.
Motion by Tom to approve bills of September 6, 2011. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Tom has caucus packet.
Next meeting, Monday, September 19, 2011.
Motion by Bob and second by Tom to adjourn at 8:30 p.m. All in favor. So approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary