Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes


Monday, December 5, 2011




** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Ron Fiske, Robert Oliver


Others Present:   Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, James Russo, Randy Trudeau, Sandra Trombley, Secretary


Call to OrderMeeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Review of Agenda:  Agenda reviewed.   


Stove Pipe Road Name Request:


Randy Trudeau is requesting that the Board consider changing the name of Stove Pipe Avenue.  He is trying to involve everyone in the neighborhood to come up with a better name. 


Motion by Tom and second by Ron to accept the petition presented.  All in favor.  So approved.


Approval of Minutes:  November 21, 2011:


Motion by Tom to approve minutes as written for November 21, 2011.  Second by Bob.   All in favor.  So approved.


Review/Authorize Payment of Bills:  Bills making their rounds for signatures


Reports from Town Officials, Committees:



Town Clerk/Treasurer Report:


Delinquent taxes are at $93,625.


In the list of transfers, Julie would like to put the $1,325 excess money in clerk training line in the budget into a restricted fund.   Because it’s too late to install the NEMRIC software, she would like to put the $10,000 into a restricted fund.  She can put it under a heading of clerk training/software.


Julie needs to pay off Otter Valley.


School/Town Road Issue:


Matt came representing the School Board and principals. 


Julie provided some photos.


Chair explained about residents having trouble getting in and out of the Town Office.  School House Road is a Town road; as well as the loop.


Concerns of the Board:  blocking a public road, blocking access to the Town Office, blocking view of other vehicles when the bus is setting there.  Concerns why the bus couldn’t go right to the school to load and unload children.  Residents, employees, lawyers can be stuck and can’t get in or out of the Town Office because of the bus.


In the afternoon if the bus goes in, loads and leaves; then the walkers are led out.  In the morning when the bus drops off, they are east of the White Building so the main road is left open.


Matt will communicate with Carol and the rest of the board members.  We can try this for the rest of the year.


Road Foreman Report:


Arlan found that the Rutland County Sheriff’s don’t do anything in Addison County.


Discussion of location of speed limit signs.


Health Officer:


Jim reported that there were no new issues.


Lister Report:


Jim reported that they were in after server was hooked up putting data into the computer.  Probably finish up appraisal in the spring.  They are working on land issues and deeds.




Recycling Workers’ Request:


They have requested a sign requesting people to keep their dogs in their vehicles during recycling.


Motion by Tom for Arlan to go to Giddings to order a sign to read “No Dogs Allowed”, “Dogs must remain in vehicle during recycling hours per order of Selectboard. Second by Bob.  All in favor.  So approved.


The insurance man from VLCT reported to Arlan that there needs to be a hand rail installed on the recycling shed and there needs to be a sign for the refrigerator stating the eye wash was in refrigerator. 


Trailer needs to be jacked up and leveled. 


Arlan will take care of the three above items.




Dog Update:


Brian’s November 2011 update is in folder.   Julie reported on dogs.


Tom talked with Brian.  Brian thought Mr. Forbes might be too expensive, but Brian would speak to him.


Diane had a conversation with Brian and Brian was checking on a possible pound in Bristol to hold dogs.  He was getting more information.


Diane shared the dog letter with the attorney.  The attorney hasn’t had a chance to comment on the letter.


After talking with Brian and reviewing his report, Julie thinks there are a number of unregistered dogs.  We need to be prepared to act and follow through if orders are not followed once the dog owners receive the letter. 


Diane reported on a livestock issue with a 500 lb. pig.  The pig got out. It scared Currie’s two horses who jumped the fence.  One got over the fence, but one horse was caught in the barbed wire fence and his leg is torn up.  The vet goes out once or twice a day.  Gloria is trying to get more information to figure out how to proceed.  It will be six months before the horse will be sound and be able to be used again.


Diane asked Brian to stop by the tenants and make sure the pig doesn’t get out again.  There is a female and a male. 


Town Shed:


There has been no response from the adjoining property owner to the letter that was sent out.


Motion by Tom to approve the bills.  Second by Ken.  All in favor.  So approved.

2012 Preliminary Budget Review:


Started with the Highway Budget.  Julie explained the receipts.  To help towns, due to Irene, the State expedited the January highway payment and sent in November.  They will get three quarterly payments next year.  Julie thinks they are done with revenue for this year.


Reviewed disbursements:


Leave equipment repairs at $10,000 for 2012.


Increase equipment rental line to $75,000 for 2012.




Salt                  25,000

Chloride            4,000

Winter Sand    13,000

Sand, Stone, Gravel     15,000

Total:  57,000


General Highway Expenses:


Bridge Drain Cleaning                                       250

Culverts                                               1,500

Fuel, Oil, Antifreeze – Loader/Grader 3,000

Green-Up Removal                                500

Miscellaneous                                     1,000

Paving & Cold Patch                           2,000

Resurfacing                                         40,000

Roadside Mowing                               7,300

Brush Cutting                                      2,500

Salt Shed Repair                                         0

Signs                                                    1,000

Town Shed Furnace Oil                       3,000

Town Shed Furnace Repair                     250

Town Shed Repair/Electricity                          1,200


Payroll:   $40,000


Motion by Tom to increase Scott $.50 per hour effective January 1, 2012.  Second by Bob.  

 4-yes and 1-no


Julie will have this pass ready for review at the next meeting.  Diane would like to look at the Town portion at the next meeting.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012 will be the meeting date for January.


Public Safety:  Law Enforcement is in the negative.  This is a topic to think about.  Julie put her best guess for revenues based on previous years.


Insurance numbers are real.


We need to find someone to be Town Moderator.


Motion by Tom, second by Bob to adjourn at 9:22 p.m. 

Next Selectboard Meeting, Monday, December 19, 2011.   Budget will be on agenda.


Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary