Meeting Minutes
Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, August 15, 2011
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Ron Fiske
Absent: Robert Oliver
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, James Russo, Beth Ripley, Joe Watson, Lynn Miner, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:33 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Review of Agenda: Agenda reviewed.
Approval of Minutes: August 1, 2011
Motion by Tom and second by Ken to approve August 1, 2011 minutes with clarification there was one letter from Harold Smith and two verbal conversations from Lynn Miner and Joe Watson in regard to the proposed change in speed limit on Fern Lake Road, page 4. All in favor. So approved.
Review/Authorize Payment of Bills: Bills making their rounds for signatures. See motion to
approve under Town Clerk/Town Treasurer Report.
Weight Permits: Hutch Crane & Pump Rental Corp., Bradford, VT. Some discussion. Ok with Arlan. Approved by Ken.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Delinquent Tax Collector:
Beth extended the invitation to the Board, as the Town Municipality, to bid on the two properties that do not have a bid; on Wednesday morning. Tax sale will be held at 10:00 a.m., Wednesday morning at the Town Office. There are five properties.
The Board thanked Beth for the information, but stated the Town will not make any purchases.
Town Clerk/Treasurer Report:
Explained three bills that didn’t make it into the bills. $70 from Robert Trudeau for fill for the culvert, $50 Morrison Bros for hay and Beth Ripley received penalties.
Discussion of class being billed for Lister training that was canceled. Invoice is being held.
Today was tax bill day. Julie thanked those who helped; Donna, Tom, Diane and Caden. Flyer insert talked about CLA, Town Plan Meeting, corn maze, reappraisal, 250 acts of kindness drive, town officials and thank you’s for the 250 Committee.
The white building has a hole in the front of it. Julie talked with Paul Francoeur. He will come over and look at it. If it’s a small job, he will repair for nothing.
Motion by Tom to authorize repair if cost to repair does not exceed $200. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Motion by Ron to authorize payment of the bills 8/15/11, including the three additional bills, $70 for Robert Trudeau for fill, $50 to Morrison’s for hay and delinquent tax penalties due to Beth Ripley. Second by Ken. All in favor. So approved.
Road Foreman Report:
Arlan hauled 700/800 yards of sand. Repaired the Johnson access Friday at Lake Dunmore. It had washed out.
Ken mentioned that Delorm Road needs grading. The lower Bullock Road needs grading and needs some crown put in it.
Kevin Bagley has done a good job with the roadside cutting and will be willing to do more.
Arlan will create a list of roadsides needing clearing and come back to the next meeting.
The sign is bent over at the intersection of Tom’s house. Knock downs on Delorm and Wheeler Roads.
Ron and Ken completed the roadside sign inventory with 172 signs. Need to be thinking about budgeting for new signs. Discussion of cost of signs, posts and hardware.
Discussion of guard rails, shoulders and paving.
Zoning Administrator/Planning Report:
Next week Wednesday, August 24, 2011 Planning Commission is hosting an open house for Leicester Town Plan Revisions between 7:00 and 8:30 p.m.
Auditor Report: None
Lister Report:
Jim Russo reported that reappraisal of lake property is going on currently.
Hooker Road and private roads are being done this week. Lake Dunmore Road is being worked on.
Cards are going out and everything is on track.
Sales Study is being worked on.
Jim & Chris are trying to work out the schedules for property visits. Trying to work through the problems.
Cemetery Committee Report:
Tom reported they are trying to deal with weeds.
VT Sun Marathon Feedback:
Julie personally commented that not only was the VT Sun Triathlon going on on one side of town, but there was the MS 75/100K Ride on the other side of town. The day before there were people biking and people running on Fern Lake Road. She was coming up Fern Lake Road by Joe Watson’s house and coming up the hill the bikes were right in front of her riding side by side and when she crested the hill they covered both lanes of traffic. There was no way she could even pass. If someone had been coming up the other side, they would have been hit. It’s really dangerous.
Julie had a visit from Sheri Cameron who had lots of difficulties due to the marathon. She couldn’t get out of her driveway, they couldn’t drive down the road, people were running four wide, and bikes were passing on the opposite sides of the road, police officer not paying attention. Julie recommended she call the Chair. Sheri did call Chair with her concerns.
These marathons cause huge safety issues and lack of respect for citizens who live here and the Town has no control of the routes taken or the safety of the participants and the citizens of the town. Chair will work on a draft of a letter to the Governor and Commissioner.
Reconsideration of Traffic Ordinance Amendment:
Joseph Watson and Lynn Miner came to follow up on traffic Ordinance.
Joseph stated he doesn’t feel the speed limit should be raised from 35 to 45. It’s twisty, blind hills. If people are told they can go 45, they will go faster. It’s too dangerous and not safe. There are children and animals in the road with no place to get off the road. People ride their bikes. He stated there are a lot of changes in the amendment of the ordinance that make sense and would like to request that just that one portion of the road speed limit be changed back to 35.
Lynn talked about accidents on the road near her home with a speed limit of 35. She feels it would be a huge liability and safety issue of all of us if it were raised. She really wishes we would leave it at 35 mph and 45 from the cross roads to Rte 7.
The Board amended the Municipal Traffic Ordinance in June 2011. The Selectboard, on August 15, 2011, amended the amendment of June 2011 to
he regulation of the motor vehicle ordinance for the Town of Leicester.
Motion by Tom to approve the amendment to the amendment. Second by Ken. All in favor. So approved. Signatures of the Board.
Joe Watson personally thanked the Board for their service, time and dedication to the Town.
Town Shed:
Ken mentioned that the Town Shed is a mess. The hay and burdocks are high. The building needs repair. We should try to get the neighbors to clean up a little around the apartment house.
Arlan stated that it needs tin all away around it. Discussion of how much it would cost to repair or put up a new. Ron, Ken and Tom will take a look at the building and report back in two weeks.
250 Meeting will be next Thursday, August 25th at 6:30 p.m. to review past events and to look ahead.
Next meeting, Tuesday, September 6, 2011 due to the Monday holiday.
Motion by Ron and second by Tom to adjourn at 8:50 p.m. All in favor. So approved.
Meeting adjourned at 8:42 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary