Meeting Minutes
Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ken Young, Ron Fiske, Robert Oliver
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Donna Pidgeon, James Russo, Kate Briggs, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Review of Agenda: Agenda reviewed.
Approval of Minutes: October 17, 2011 & October 29, 2011:
Motion by Tom to approve minutes as written for October 17, 2011 & October 29, 2011. Second by Bob. All in favor. So approved.
Review/Authorize Payment of Bills: Bills making their rounds for signatures. Bills approved.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Zoning Administrator:
Kate will be out of town for some time and she thinks there needs to be somebody to refer calls to in her absence. Kate brought the Board up-to-date about some projects. Kate tried to solicit some help, but could not, so this leaves Ron.
Motion by Tom to appoint Ron Fiske to assist Kate in her absence. Second by Ken. Ron abstained, all others in favor.
Jeff Smith’s permit has expired. Kate will write Mr. Smith a letter.
Health Officer:
Jim reported the re-inspection is this week, Thursday for the infestation. Some interior work is being done, some ventilation has been fixed, and clean up around the house was done. He will report after his inspection on Thursday.
Lister Report:
Jim reported that there are about 25/30 places left. He is waiting for appointments to be made. Most are around the lake, so may need to wait until spring because everyone is basically gone except for those that live in the area. He talked to Chris and Chris told Jim to pick a Monday for him to come up. Jim has his list of people to call.
Cecile and Jim have been working on the grand list and checking a few deeds.
Town Clerk/Treasurer Report:
Delinquent taxes are at $107,000 and people are still paying. Julie re-did the tax difference for late filers. It looks like it will come out around 26,000 – 27,000. It has to be paid by the end of the year. Hopefully more delinquents will come in.
Julie had a conversation with a townsperson today about the school buses blocking the driveway. The thought came up about possibly putting a walk way in between the white building and the brick building that came down and over through the edge of the property so the kids could be walked out that way and not blocking all access to the Town Office. You can be blocked in or out for over twenty minutes if you don’t time your visit just right. The Park & Ride get’s blocked. They are blocking the loop and Schoolhouse Road. There was discussion about inviting the School Board to next meeting on November 21st.
Action: Diane will invite the School Board to the next Selectboard Meeting on November 21st.
Julie will investigate the price of parking signs for the front of the Town Office.
Julie reported that the server is coming next week. In order to install the server, they need a cabinet for it.
Motion by Ken to authorize Julie to purchase a cabinet for the server not to exceed $500. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Road Foreman Report:
Arlan reported that they got Salt Shed filled up.
He can’t get the aluminum blanks from Giddings for the road signs. Tom has some sources he can give him. F R Lafayette in Essex Junction has signs and the Vermont Correctional Industries has signs. Diane gave literature to Arlan.
Diane sent the Sheriff a copy of the Ordinance and told him Arlan would be putting up signs. Arlan knows what signs he needs.
Ron reported that he stopped to talk with a Deputy Sheriff parked by the Town Shed and he asked him if he knew what the new speed limits were. The Sheriff said “no”, that no one had notified him. Ron tried to explain the changes. Ron said it was getting complicated because the Sheriff’s are not all out of Addison County.
Action: Diane will call the Sheriff tomorrow to find out who is in charge.
Tom excused himself from the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Jerusalem Road Guard Rail Update:
Ken reported that he talked to someone at F R Lafayette about guard rails. They sent a proposal that is good for 30 days. They could have the guard rail done by the end of the year. 208’ of new steel beam guardrail with 6” steel post for $3,848. Used steel beam is unlikely to get. Another company was way out of the ball park on price.
Action: Ken, Bob and Arlan will measure how much guard rail needed on Thursday.
Secretary of State “Tour” Message:
Julie and the Board thought the “Tour” message was good. There were about 35-40 people. Julie got all her questions answered. The second part was mainly for clerks.
911 Information/Action Needed:
Julie sent her letter to all Clerk’s in the State. She received a few emails and a few phone calls from other towns.
Julie had a nice discussion with a gentleman from Comcast and he understood the needs. They talked in general about where to go from here. He wasn’t able to give her everything she wanted, yet. He told Julie the State of Vermont had not asked for any information from Comcast. Julie was the only one asking for information from them. There are 251 towns. They left the conversation on the same page and headed in the same direction.
Julie then received a call from Vermont 911. Julie shared her frustrations and concerns with them. Julie requested a written copy of all the topics they discussed. Julie assured them that she was not going to let this issue go away. Julie requested a Vermont 911 list.
Health Insurance Plan:
The Board has to make a decision on the health insurance plan they are going to identify by November 15.
Motion by Ken to authorize Chair to sign on behalf of the Board pending further information from the Treasurer and Chair. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Town Shed:
Ron reported that there is a little brook behind the building and can be cleaned out very easily. It would completely dry that whole area right up.
Ken would like to see all the board members visit the site in the day light.
Action: All board members will visit the site on Saturday at 11:30 a.m.
Discussion about hours to do grading. It takes approximately 25 hours or $3,000 to grade everything.
Action: Arlan will talk with Scott about grading where needed, probably one more time this year.
There’s trash on pull-off again; a recliner and entertainment center.
FEMA Paperwork:
Motion by Ken to authorize Chair to sign page 3 of FEMA document. Second by Ron. All in favor. So approved. Diane signed and dated.
Public Opinion: None
Motion by Ron to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel matter at 8:17 p.m. Second by Ken. Passed unanimously.
Motion by Ron, second by Bob, to come out of Executive Session at 8:35 p.m., passed unanimously. No action taken.
Motion by Bob, second by Ken to adjourn at 8:35 p.m.
Next Selectboard Meeting, Monday, November 21, 2011.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary