Minutes 03-18-24
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, March 18, 2024*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Brad Lawes, Tom Barker, John RouseMembers Absent: Diane RandallOthers Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Lesley Bienvenue, Richard Hopkins, Jeremy GildrienCall to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:32 p.m. by Town Clerk Julie DelphiaPledge of Allegiance:BOARD REORGANIZATION: Julie entertained a motion to nominate a Chair of the Board. Motion by John, second by Tom to nominate Diane Benware as Chair of the Board. 3 yes and one abstention by Diane. So approved. Julie turned the meeting over to the Chair of the Board.Board Reorganization and Appointments:Motion by John, second by Brad to nominate Tom Barker as Vice Chair of the Board. 3 Yes and one abstention by Tom, So approved.Motion by John, second by Tom to nominate Brad Lawes as Road Commissioner. 3 Yes and one abstention by Brad. So approved.Motion by Bard, second by Tom to nominate John Rouse as Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds. 3 Yes and one abstention by John. So approved.Motion by Brad, second by Tom, to nominate John Rouse as Emergency Management Coordinator. 3 Yes and one abstention by John. John did note his willingness to serve, but did cite noon meetings as difficult, given his schedule. Chair to inquire if meetings could be taped or held in the evenings.Motion by Brad, second by Tom to re-appoint Jeff McDonough as First Constable and Mike Rakowitz as Second Constable; with no law enforcement authority. All in favor, so approved.Motion by Tom, second by John to re-appoint Richard Reed as our delegate to Addison County Solid Waste District (ACSWD). So approved.Motion by Brad, second by John to re-appoint Arlan Pidgeon as Tree Warden. So approved. Chair informed Board of Jenei Rossig, who has expressed interest in serving as our delegateto Maple Broadband Board. Jenei will attend the April 1 meeting for an interview and likely appointment at that time.Cemetery Sexton to be named at a subsequent meeting.BOARD AFFIRMATIONS:Board reaffirms Sandy Trombley as Clerk. All in favor. Approved.Board reaffirms that regular meetings are on 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. All in favor. Approved.Board reaffirms that the Addison Independent is media of record. Board reaffirms that the Chair may place ads on behalf of the Selectboard. All in favor. Approved.Board reaffirms that the Board will follow Civil Rules of Conduct and follow Robert’s Rules of Order for Small Boards. All in favor. Approved. Board reaffirms that the Chair may second a motion. All in favor. Approved.Board reaffirms that any one of the Selectboard can sign on behalf of the Board for orders that ned attention prior to a meeting. All in favor. Approved.Chair reminded Board members that in 2024 Cemetery policies and plot maps need to be reviewed. In addition, security measures/decisions need to be made.Review of Agenda:Weight Permits Signed:Correspondence:1. Julie introduced a document from FEMA, indicating that we were not paid by the state for flood repair work of 2017. An oversight on the part of the state yields an amount of $1,131. 95. Chair signed document on behalf of the Board.2. Municipal Roads General Permit for signature. Chair signed the annual permit. One area on Ferson Road remains in “purple”, meaning it needs to be addressed. Chair will contact Mike Winslow of ACRPC to arrange for REI training to conduct an update of the Bridge/Culvert Inventory, which will occur this spring.3. Chair circulated memo from ACRPC about funding opportunity called Small Grants for Municipalities.Chair to follow up with Deron Rixon as ACRPC to see exactly what projects could qualify.
- Fred Kenney, of ACEDC, would like to meet with Selectboard between April 1 and June 30, to discuss what ACEDC does for us and to hear about our economic and community development plans and other issues important to us. Meeting set for Monday, May 20, with the Selectboard and reps of ACEDC.
- Green Up: Chair will pick up bags, etc at ACSWD on Friday, March 22, between 3:30 and 4:30. A poster will be placed in Town Office with list for folks to sign up for the Guinness World Book Challenge, pledging to help clear a roadside or portion thereof. The state is trying to achieve the record for the most trash picked up in a 24 hour period.