Minutes - 05-03-2021
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, May 3, 2021*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, John Rouse Members Absent: Brad Lawes Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Added Executive Session for Possible Legal Matter Approval of April 19, 2021 Minutes: Motion by Ron and second by Tom to approve minutes of April 19, 2021 as written. All in favor. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by John and second by Tom authorizing Julie to pay the bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Road Foreman: Arlan reported they are working on Hooker Road. He had Matt DeBisschop hammer out the ledge at top of hill on the right. Arlan ordered the bale chopper from Salem Farm Supply. Diane asked about beaver dam on Leicester/Whiting Road. Arlan will check it out. Diane commented on the leaves in the big culvert on Cram Road heading west up by John Nicklaw’s. She broke up the matted leaves to get the water to flow. Arlan will check it out. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie doesn’t have any more information on the ARPA Funds; except that Leicester is going to get them, but they still don’t know what funds can be spent on. They are hoping to have some sort of guidance by Monday. Julie reported that there is an election bill going through making all general elections; mail out ballots and make mail outs for other elections and make ways to fix defective absentee ballots. Julie reported the State is debating about the budget right now. The debates may cause delays in transportation grants, if any. Julie stated that when the State Emergency lifts, she can charge late fees on dogs again. She doesn’t know when the State Emergency will lift. She is currently sending out reminders. Julie reported the Assessor has been here. She’s coming again on Tuesday and will lodge the Grant List. That will start the grievance process. Diane mentioned that property sales may affect our CLA. Houses are selling higher than usual right now. It may raise property taxes. Weight Permits: Arlan signed four weight permits. Arlan has an Access Permit for a drive way off Isthmus Road to look at. No construction yet. CORRESPONDENCE: Diane reviewed correspondence. OLD BUSINESS: Green Up Feedback: Diane reported that this year was the worst ever for trash. They had 450 bags and it wasn’t enough. Diane and Julie explained all the problems with Green Up. Julie was doing Green Up on her road for a while prior to Green Up Day. One resident on Lake Dunmore Road filled 85 bags; of which 14 of them were returnable bottles and cans. He went out and did ten more bags yesterday. If he had more bags he could have done more. There were animal and fish carcasses, tires, swim pools, Christmas lights and lattice and other things. Julie commented that where there were no houses was the worst. Diane has a call into the Sheriff to see if there is something they can do about the littering. There was a problem with dumping bags at the Town Shed that weren’t Green Up Bags, but garbage. Diane said Green Up went well with very good participation and they had their lunch and raffle. The State has a form to fill out for ideas to make Green Up go better. Julie and Diane have some ideas and will fill it out and send back. Diane asked for other ideas; as well. Reappointing Fire Warden: Motion by Tom and second by John to appoint Rick Nicklaw as Fire Warden. All in favor. So, approved. NEW BUSINESS: Sheriff’s Patrol: Peter did not get back to Diane. The Sheriff’s Department was over budget last year by $6,000. John stated he thought they needed some sort of law enforcement presence, but $6,000 over budget is a big problem, and he’s not sure using the Sheriff’s Department is the answer. Ron stated that other towns were sharing services and trying to get some sort of regional police force. State police are too busy. Julie mentioned the blinking speed limit signs. Tom thought they should use the money in the direction of the blinking speed limit signs. After further discussion, John thinks they should go a different route than the contract; agreeing with the possibility of using the blinking speed limit signs. Diane will contact the Sheriff and Tom will get on-line to research the cost of the blinking signs. Julie will email Brian Sanderson to see where to get them. At this point, the Board is not renewing the contract with the Sheriff’s Department. BUILDING NEEDS: HIGHWAY CONCERNS/NEEDS: Town Shed: LIMITED PUBLIC OPINION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Tom and second by John to go into Executive Session to discuss a possible legal matter at 7:24 p.m. All in favor. So, approved. Motion by John and second by Tom to come out of Executive Session at 7:29 p.m. with no action taken. All in favor. So, approved. Motion by Ron and second by Tom to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Next meeting: Monday, May 17, 2021 Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary