Minutes - 09-06-2021
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, September 6, 2021*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Brad Lawes, Ron Fiske, John Rouse Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Added Guardrails on Old Jerusalem Rd. Approval of August 16, 2021 Minutes: Motion by Brad and second by Tom to approve minutes of August 16, 2021 as written. 3 yes and 2 abstentions (Ron & John). So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by Tom and second by Brad authorizing Julie to pay the bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Town Clerk/Treasurer: Brad asked about ARPA money. Julie reported that if anyone wants to learn more about ARPA and how much each town is receiving, they can go to VLCT or ACRP. Julie stated that Leicester gets to keep the interest on the ARPA money. The money is just going to sit in the General Fund until it is sorted out what the money can be used for. Still a lot of questions about what it can be spent on. Julie reported that the Sheriff’s Department took down their cameras at the Town Shed and Fern Lake Access because they needed the cameras for other things and they didn’t see any more garbage being dropped. Julie went to Fern Lake yesterday and found a blue crate full of garbage and there was an open ring where they have been having camp fires. The sign clearly says, “no open fires”. Diane shared that Van stated that he thought the cameras made a difference in garbage being left at the Town Shed. Diane thinks they need to make a decision about cameras of their own and not depend on the Sheriff’s Department. There was discussion about signs and cameras for both places. Arlan thought there should be cameras. Motion by John and second by Brad to authorize Julie to purchase two signs and two game cameras not to exceed $300. All in favor. So, approved. Julie asked about what the next steps are with the Health Order. According to Diane, Jim was going to prepare the court documents. Diane will call Jim tomorrow to see where they are with that process and report back at the next meeting. Julie provided an FYI, a packet of documents from BLSG on their appeal. Nothing that requires action. Julie asked about the hole at the intersection. Arlan stated nothing has been done. Julie reported on the results of Disability Vermont’s inspection of the building for voting. The sign that is in the front of the building in the handicap spot needs to be changed to say, “Van Accessible”. It needs to be the right height from the ground which is 60” and not 40”. The drop in the doorways are too much so they need a little ramp. These things are pretty minor. Julie received notice about the things needed to be eligible for cybersecurity insurance. Julie is going to forward the notice to Silloway and ask them to come up with what it would cost to implement the requirements to acquire cybersecurity insurance. Julie shared that some town in New Hampshire got taken for $23M through a cybersecurity hack. Julie has not heard anything back about the Resolution for BLSG. Julie stated they were supposed to receive a copy from Doug to send to Jim for his review. Julie asked if she was supposed to do anything about the Fern Lake Project. No one thought she needed to do anything. Julie provided the 2020 auditing quote from Telling & Hillman PC of $8,900. There is money in the budget for auditing. Motion by Tom and second by John for Diane to sign the contract on behalf of the Board. All in favor. So, approved. Road Foreman: Arlan reported that the paving is done. There was discussion about where they might pave next year if they had the money. Arlan reported they did some trimming around the bridge on Leicester/Whiting Road. Weight Permits: None CORRESPONDENCE:
- Spotted Lantern Fly
- Maple Broadband
- Stephen Fowler Publishing Opportunity of collection of stories about 2020.
- VT Sun 2022 Bicycle Race. Diane will respond to the letter.
- VLCT Town Fair – Annual Business Meeting -Virtual 9/29 at 1:00 p.m.
- Emerald Ash Borer found in Middlebury – Info provided