Minutes - 06-21-21
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, June 21, 2021*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Brad Lawes, Ron Fiske, John Rouse Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Added Internal Financial Control Form, Animal Control and Cemetery Approval of June 7, 2021 Minutes: Motion by Tom and second by John to approve minutes of June 7, 2021 as written. 4 Yes and 1 Abstention (Brad) So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by John and second by Tom authorizing Julie to pay the bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Road Foreman: Arlan reported that he called about the hay bale chopper. They haven’t received any yet. Arlan wants Mike to look at and approve what has been done. Arlan reported there is a big tall pine by Malinowski’s. Arlan will check it out to see if he can take it down. Arlan will investigate culvert work to see if they can bypass the traffic. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie sent out a bunch of delinquent dog license cards. If they are not registered by next Monday, she will send a list to Carlie so she can start following up. Julie reported that UTV’s are becoming a problem; driving up and down the regular roads. There are a few of them. Julie will ask the Sheriff if he got pictures of them over at the Town Shed. ARPA, they have opened a new portal to sign up to get ARPA dollars with a whole list of terms and conditions to agree to. Julie reported that at the next meeting the Board needs to sign the documents and appoint an authorized representative that will be in charge of authorizing town to get it and a contact person that does the portal. Julie reported that the Town will get about $56,000 which will be about the end of August. The county part which is over $100,000 will be later this year. A few things that can be covered:
- Digitization of records
- A stand-alone well for Town Office
- MRGP Program work
- Broadband
- Lane Culverts
- Telecommunication Plan
- Vaccines
- Vermont Local Roads
- LDFLA: Dave Johnson, VP Water Quality Committee: Update on Hooker Road and Fern Lake Access