Minutes - 07-10-2023
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, July 10, 2023*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, John Rouse, Tom Barker Members Absent: Diane Randall, Brad Lawes Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Jeremy Gildrien, Sandra Trombley Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Approval of June 19, 2023 Minutes: Motion by John and second by Tom to approve minutes of June 19, 2023 as written. All in favor. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by John and second by Tom authorizing Julie to pay the bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Road Foreman: Arlan reported that Sweeney over on the lake wants to build a parking lot up on the bank. Tom mentioned the run off and corner problems. Arlan agreed that it’s too steep and would require a culvert. Arlan talked with him last year. Arlan told them he didn’t want anything there. There was discussion about whether he would require a permit. Julie thought they would need to apply to the Selectboard for an access permit detailing what they wanted to do. It would need to be reviewed by the Zoning Administrator and the Road Foreman. John will talk with Brad tomorrow and the Board will re-visit the subject. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie reminded the Board that they were not doing a tax anticipation note this year because there is money in the Municipal Expense Fund. The proper paperwork to transfer money is in the bills. Julie reported she got the quote of $1,000 to repair the corner piece of the White Building. She will let the people know and see what they want to do. Julie provided the Fyles Fuel Fixed Price Contract and the Fire Protection Contract. Board will table fuel contract until next meeting. Diane will invite Tom Kilpeck, Fire Chief of Brandon to next meeting to discuss fire protection contract. OLD BUSINESS: Cemetery Update/Field Trip: Tabled due to weather and mosquitoes. Junk Ordinance Enforcement: Julie has been emailing back and forth with Mike Elmore about the Junk Ordinance. With the Junk Ordinance, the Town cannot actually have the Sheriff do anything until thirty days after town sends a notice of violation. Julie provided a template letter for Board’s consideration. Board approved Julie’s template. Julie will send a notice of violation by certified mail and by certificate of mailing. Julie reported on an animal complaint that Robbie received. Weight Permit: None CORRESPONDENCE: NEW BUSINESS: Energy Coordinator Appointment & MERP: Jeremy Gildrien came to discuss interest in the Energy Coordinator position and talk about the MERP grant. The State is giving every town, who wants it, $4,000 to do whatever they want with outreach and education. Jeremy thinks the town should apply for the money and use it to form an Energy Committee and then the money within that grant can go for either outreach to form that committee or hiring consultants for various energy related things. Jeremy was hoping if he took on the Coordinator position again and got the MERP funds he would like to start an Energy Committee so he wouldn’t be doing everything alone. Jeremy mentioned that the town’s energy plan is up next year and needs to be reviewed and rewritten. Jeremy shared that he just got a job with Rutland Regional Planning Commission recently. He feels he could be a good resource to Leicester; as someone who is working as a Regional Planner. Jeremy explained that there are two pools of municipal energy money. One being the $4,000 grant for outreach for starting energy committees or hiring consultants to work on energy assessments for the town and the other pool is for municipalities only; for infrastructure building upgrades that increase energy efficiency or decrease municipal bills. The town would get an energy assessment done and they would make recommendations. There are two different categories of assessment. Level I and Level II. Weatherization walk-thru is Level I. Level II is more in depth. 20% of the money can make buildings ADA compliant and to switch heating sources. The deadline for application is January 15, 2024. Jeremy talked about grants for electric car charging stations. Chair and Board thanked Jeremy for providing all this good information and explained that Diane will get back to him with the Board’s decision. Executive Session: Motion by Tom and second by Diane to go into Executive Session at 7:36 p.m. for legal matter. All in favor. So, approved. Motion by Tom and second by John to come out of Executive Session at 7:59 p.m. with following action:
- Authorize Clerk to contact legal counsel;
- Jeremy Gildrien appointed as Energy Coordinator