Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Minutes - 12-06-2021

  Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 6, 2021
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Brad Lawes, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, John Rouse
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair.  
Pledge of Allegiance:
Review of Agenda:  Added Errors & Omissions to the Grand List and Request by ACRP to appoint two people to Regional Emergency Management Committee.
Approval of November 15, 2021 Minutes:
Motion by Brad and second by Ron to approve minutes of November 15, 2021 as written. All in favor.  So, approved. 
Review/Authorization to Pay Bills:
Motion by Tom and second by Brad authorizing Julie to pay the bills.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie reported that she has two requests for abatements.  Julie provided the two of them with the form and criteria needed.  Julie stated that the Boards need to have a meeting.  Board agreed they could meet on December 27th at 6:00 p.m. with the Board of Abatement.  Julie will give notice to each applicant and board members.
Julie asked the Board if they need the chalk board that is in the room.  Concerned that it takes up a lot of room and rarely used.  Board agreed to store it upstairs in the White Building if it can be taken apart so it can make the stairs or give it away to someone in need of one.
Julie provided an Errors and Omissions Form for the Board to sign.
Road Foreman:
Arlan reported the sanders are getting pretty well used up.  He thinks they will go through this winter, but suggests they should be thinking about getting another. The Board might want to discuss the expense during budget planning time.  A hopper sander was purchased for $8,600 in 2015.  Arlan will be researching some prices.  Everyone agreed the price will be much higher now.
Arlan explained he would like to get more money for plowing with the pickup.
Arlan priced some grader blades.  They have gone up considerably.
Tom suggested checking into carbide blades and report back.
Weight Permits:  None
  •       Invitation from Assistant Judges of Addison County of a Virtual Meeting December 10th at 9:30 a.m. for Proposed County Budget for 22-23
  •       Letter of Introduction for Community Vermont Elders
  •       News Release USDA accepting applications for rural communities for broadband
  •       Local Democracy Project sent an invitation for UVM Internship Program
  •       Department of Public Service has scheduled a public meeting Wednesday in Rutland to release the draft of the 20-22 Comprehensive Energy Plan Policy Goals
  •       Notice that as of last Friday, Eric House is no longer employed at VTrans
  •       ACRP Development Opportunities
  •       Thursday, December 9 @ 12:30 – 2:00 Panel Discussion Webinar thru VLCT on Federal Infrastructure Act for your town
Approval of BLSG Proposed Changes:
Diane read the letter from Stephen Belcher, Secretary of BLSG in reference to the final draft of their Resolution which included the name change of the organization and other minor changes.  He asks the Board to schedule a vote on the Resolution.
Motion by Tom and second by John to approve the Resolution of the Otter Creek Watershed Insect Control District.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Request by ACRP to appoint two people to Regional Emergency Management Committee:
Diane shared a letter from Andrew L’Roe from ACRP requesting a six-month appointment of two designees to sit on the county’s Regional Emergency Management Committee.  First meeting December 15 from Noon – 1:00 p.m.
Diane Benware and John Rouse accepted a position on the committee.
Initial 2022 Budget Discussion:
Discussion of topics to think about for budget planning. 
  •       Discussion about possible highway expenses.  
  •       Discussion of the proper procedure of going out to bid for mowing town green, cemetery and roadside.
  •       Discussion about Town Shed and possible future locations.
  •       Discussion about office chairs.
Julie indicated she can have a first draft to work from for the December 20th meeting.  She asked that if anyone has anything of any significance to put in the budget to get the dollars to her before the December 20th meeting.
Town Shed:
Motion by Brad and second by John to go into Executive Session at 7:47 p.m. to discuss possible legal action.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Motion by John and second by Brad to come out of Executive Session at 8:15 p.m.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Motion by Diane and second by Tom for the following action.  All in favor.  So, approved.
  1.      No action taken.  
  2.      Board authorized Julie to give Town Counsel notice of situation and to respond to resident.
Motion by Tom to adjourn at 8:16 p.m.
Next meeting:  Monday, December 20, 2021 
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary