Minutes - 7-18-2022
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, July 18 2022*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Brad Lawes, John Rouse, Tom Barker Members Absent: Diane Randall Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Approval of July 6, 2022 Minutes: Motion by Brad and second by Tom to approve minutes of July 6, 2022 as written. All in favor. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by John and second by Tom authorizing Julie to pay the bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie reported Leicester has its RFP for the Local Hazard Mitigation Planning Grant that will be sent out and returned by the end of August. Regional Planning will most likely be the one responding to it. The Old Jerusalem Road update is that the project is progressing well. The old structure has been removed and rip rap is being installed on the river banks and river channel. Next week, they hope to have their subcontractors there to begin the installation of the hydra pile for the bridge abutment. Julie reported she has not had any success with communication with the Director of the Railroad. Julie reported that in conversation with VLCT, they are recommending they take all their ARPA money and pay payroll with it. Whatever the payroll is for this year, they can use ARPA money for it. When Julie reports, she will report what was used for payroll. She will put the ARPA money in the General Fund. Julie reported she is getting ready to send out 911 letters. Road Foreman: Arlan reported that they cut brush on Fern Lake Road and Ferson Road. Brad reported he had a visit from a resident who was concerned about the beaver dams that were removed on Ferson Road; reporting that all the debris from the dams moved down stream and has plugged his culvert. He was hoping that the town would go down and unplug his culvert. Arlan will go down and look at it. John reported he went to talk with Shelly and told her what the town wanted to have done before they came and she was fine with it. He told her they wouldn’t be coming until they heard from her. He hasn’t heard back from her yet. Weight Permits: CORRESPONDENCE:
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