Minutes - 11-21-2022
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesTuesday, November 21, 2022*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Diane Randall, Brad Lawes, Tom Barker Members Absent: John Rouse Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Robbie & Melinda DeVoid, Steve Hare, Angelo Lynn, Jeff Shuman, Sandra Trombley Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Approval of November 1, 2022 Minutes: Motion by Tom and second by Diane R. to approve minutes of November 1, 2022 as written. 3 in favor. 1 abstention (Brad) So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by Brad and second by Diane R. authorizing Julie to pay the bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Road Foreman: Arlan reported he hasn’t got the sanders yet. He is not full of salt yet, but there should be some coming tomorrow. He needs three or four loads to be full. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie reported that delinquent taxes were at $167,213.11 on November 16th. About $15,000 more has come in since then. Julie reported she got the money from the claim for the Leicester-Whiting Road guardrails that were damaged a while ago. We have the money to replace the guardrail and anchor. Julie reported on the bridge meeting on Old Jerusalem Road. She described it as an unusual meeting where they broke out in little groups. They came up with a list of things still needing to be done. Julie thought there were some problems with the guardrails, but they didn’t agree. They provided a letter to the Board for their signature stating the Board finds the project acceptable. The Board will not sign the letter until the items on the list are completed. Julie will contact them. Julie reported a mouse problem in the White Building. There are problems in the tall cabinet. Diane will take care of that problem. The stove is not salvageable and they will need a new one. They should not rent the building out at this time. Mouse Magic was a suggestion to use as a repellant. Julie will get some. Julie has had a complaint regarding animal control and health issues in the Junction. There is a garbage complaint, animals with no shelter, and a camper that someone is living in. Tom stated that they need to get the Health Officer involved and two Selectboard members. Julie will call Cree as Health Officer and Keith for the camper. Diane stated they might have to contact DCF in regard to the children. Needs further information. Weight Permits: None CORRESPONDENCE: OLD BUSINESS: Animal Control: Robbie DeVoid came to talk about his interest in the Animal Control Officer position with Leicester and Salisbury. Chair made the introductions to the Board. Robbie explained that he felt this position would allow him the opportunity to get into the community and meet people. Robbie explained he would always be available. He understands that you have to deal with everyone with respect and tactfully gather all details. Julie explained the details and how you must document every detail, take photos when necessary. Julie will provide the Big Book of Woof for State Guidelines. There is some equipment provided and a ticket book. There have been classes, but Julie is not sure when the next classes will be. Julie and the Board explained that you can’t just take someone’s dog. There are steps to follow. Diane explained that Jess at the Humane Society and John Rouse would be good resources. Diane asked if he had an idea of what hourly rate he would need. Robbie stated that he has a meeting with Salisbury Selectboard tomorrow to go over details and determine their hourly rate. Diane stated that they will determine the rate after Robbie meets with Salisbury. Diane would like to meet again with Robbie once he has met with the Salisbury Board. Steve Hare. Vermont Sun: Chair made the introductions to the Board. Diane shared that they are happy Steve could come and hope they can come to a mutually agreeable plan for future races. Steve shared things they have done over the years and haven’t had any accidents in 38 years. He thinks the level of risk is low. Diane stated that she appreciated there hasn’t been an accident and they have done a wonderful job over the years, but there seems to be a level of concern between Cove Point and Branbury Beach. This year there were many Leicester resident complaints and photos taken with runners and bikers on both sides of the road and two abreast. Diane Randall stated that the road has no shoulder and asked if he realized what it’s like being in a car and trying to get by them; especially when it’s raining. Steve stated that it’s a race and a bike must pass another bike. They run their races early in the morning on a Sunday, when traffic is at the lowest as possible. Steve stated that all they are asking is to share the road. Diane Randall has talked with a lot of people that are complaining. There were numerous complaints and the Board has to look at the situation to come up solutions to improve the event. Diane stated that the photos were sent to us and the Board is reporting what they have seen and heard. The Board needs to listen to its citizens. People are different today than ten year ago. They are not patient, they are not respectful, they are in a big hurry to get some place and are upset that there are other people in the road. An inpatient person may get careless and accidents can happen. Steve stated that an inpatient person needs to follow the laws of the road. The bikers and runners have a right to the road too. Steve read a letter from Brian Carpenter in support of the race. Diane Randall stated that where Brian Carpenter lives is not in the area of Cove Point and Branbury Beach and that seems to be the problem area right now; even though there are also other complaints in other areas. Diane Benware read some of the complaints. There was a video that a resident took. Angelo Lynn spoke about talking with the Forest Service for putting a walking lane from Branbury to Silver Lake. He was wondering about making a trail along the road’s right of way. He runs a race in Middlebury south of the hospital. They ask people to slow down and pay attention. Diane spoke that the road south of the hospital does not get the amount of traffic that Rt.53 does. Diane Randall asked about signage ahead of time. Suggestions:
- Signage on both ends
- Warning cones
- Flashing lights from Cove Point to Branbury
- Detour stating local traffic only during certain time frame
- Bike Run or Road Run
- No running side x side or bikers side x side
- Flashing lights stand out on both ends
- Reminder to participants at sign in
- Car with flashers on side of road – then flagger at Fernville. Flashing lights on both north and south end.
- Signage that states to run single file
- Flashing lights to get people’s attention at Kampersville, Fernville and Cove Point so they can choose another route ahead of time.