Minutes - 01-18-2021
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, January 18, 2021*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Brad Lawes, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, John RouseOthers Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Called meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Approval of January 4, 2021 Minutes: Motion by Brad, second by Ron to approve minutes of January 4, 2021 as written. All in favor. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by John, second by Ron to approve bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Road Foreman: Arlan reported that the loader fenders are in and ready to be picked up. The invoice is $2,310. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Motion by Brad and second by Ron to allow Julie to pay all State and Federal taxes and fees as required. This includes Federal 941 payments, Vermont withholding payments, State educational tax, State dog fees and State marriage fees. All in favor. So, approved. Julie reported the Legislature is passing a bill soon, that allows the town to move the date of Town Meeting, if they desire, and to mail out ballots to every active voter. Brandon and possibly Pittsford has decided they want to mail out ballots; so now the schools want to mail out ballots, which requires all of the towns to mail out ballots. That decision will force Leicester to mail out ballots whether they want to or not. It will be a huge amount of work. Weight Permits: One weight permit was approved. CORRESPONDENCE: There was some correspondence for Mutual Aid for Public Works and Addison County Solid Waste Implementation Plan. OLD BUSINESS: Town Office Roof Winter Snow Guards: Tom reported to put up the ice and snow defender guards it would be $1,025 for one side. $525 for the pieces and $500 for the labor. There was some discussion around the problem. Motion by Brad and second by Ron to table it for now and see if they have repeated occurrences and revisit it; if necessary. All in favor. So, approved. Town Hall: Tom talked with David Crane about changing out the sink and while he was there he noticed the toilet bowl was completely dry and needs to be looked at; as well. Not sure what the problem is. David will look at that too. While Tom was there dealing with the mouse problem, he looked at some of the storm windows and saw some gaps. Not sure if it is because they are warped due to the change in weather. Finalizing the 2021 Budget: The Board reviewed the final draft of the budget. Motion by John and second by Ron to approve the budget total of $746,435.68; up 0.16%. All in favor. So, approved. NEW BUSINESS: Julie made some minor changes to the Selectboard Report. Board reviewed the report. Board agreed with the Selectboard Report. Julie asked some clarifying questions for Town Report about terms of DRB and PC. Adopt Warning for Town Meeting: Motion by Brad and second by Tom to approve the warning. All in favor. So, approved. Tom wanted to go on record saying he is opposed to changing the name of the Leicester School. He stated he didn’t know about it. BUILDING NEEDS: HIGHWAY CONCERNS/NEEDS: Motion by John and second by Brad, to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel at 7:23 p.m. Motion by John and second by Tom to come out of Executive Session at 7:49 p.m. No action taken. Motion by Diane and second by John to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. Next Regular Meeting: February 1, 2021 Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. TrombleySelectboard Secretary