Minutes - 05-02-2022
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, May 2, 2022*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Diane Randall, Brad Lawes, John Rouse, Tom Barker Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Approval of April 18, 2022 Minutes: Motion by Brad and second by John to approve minutes of April 18, 2022 as written. All in favor. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by Tom and second by Diane R. authorizing Julie to pay the bills and fuel surcharge. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie reported that she sent an email to Carolyn Cota about Old Jerusalem Road asking for an update. Julie has not been contacted by the Project Coordinator. Carolyn apologized for any update delays, but Julie still has not heard from anyone. The last Julie heard; was that it appeared they would be closing the road starting the week of June 6th. The contractor has to give the town a minimum of two week’s notice. The completion date for the project is November 4th; according to their schedule. There are citizens that need to be notified. Julie received a phone call from a concerned citizen about the railroad crossing on Leicester/Whiting Road. Depending on the time of day and the glare of the sun, you sometimes cannot see the flashing lights. There are no arms on this crossing. She has seen a near miss. The high-speed trains are coming through now and she is very concerned. Julie emailed the Director of AOT Rail mentioning the concerns about the high-speed trains and asked why there are no arms on this crossing. Julie asked for a formal explanation and a copy of the study where they found the crossing didn’t need crossing arms, so she can let the Board and concerned citizens know. Julie reported that the phones were down at the office around the April 12, 13, 14. They reset the modem and explained the modem was really old and installed a new modem. They updated the phone service; as well. Julie shared that they have the Legacy system which was grandfathered and it had the auto attendant and had extensions. Julie explained that the town doesn’t pay for the service that does the auto attendant. They are not supporting the system anymore. Julie spent one whole day getting them to give her something to answer the phone and do extensions because people were calling and leaving messages, then people were coming in the office and asking why Julie wasn’t responding to them. So, currently it goes to her phone and another phone and you can leave a message. Julie has been working with Comcast to try and figure out how to remedy this situation. Comcast would be happy to set up a new system for an additional $100 per month. Julie felt $1,200 a year was too much, so she called John Fitzgerald and is waiting for him to get back to her with an alternative solution. Julie reported that the Fire Department took their truck out to all of the lake roads checking for access issues and there were no issues. All was good. Julie sent an email to Jaunu asking him if she sent him a list of the unregistered dogs if he would have time to go ticket them all. She has not heard back from him. Julie reported that 911 is auditing roads and there will be some changes due to errors in 911 addresses. This is to ensure emergency services can get to each residence. She anticipates that there will be some unhappy residents. Road signs at the end of driveways that are not real roads have to come down. Julie received three suggestions for using ARPA funds.
- Assist with the school situation with complications from virtual classroom learning due to the pandemic.
- To purchase land in Leicester to create a town forest for resident’s recreational uses similar to the Salisbury town forest.
- Acquire the land just east of the Town Shed to erect a structure large enough to house the new loader, as well as, an additional structure large enough to accommodate winter sand and salt. Five acres for the Town Shed and five acres for community gardens.
- VT Emergency Management Day of Learning, Lake Morey Inn in Fairlee, VT, May 26
- Regulating Cannabis, Tuesday, May 24th
- Alzheimer’s Support
- Safe Streets & Roads for Municipalities-Grants
- Operation Life Saver of VT – VTrans – Warning about High Speed Trains
- Grader Training
- VLCT Supplemental Life & Pet Insurance
- Spotted Lantern Fly Invasive Pests
- Bike & Pedestrian Grant
- Future Issues for the State Survey