Minutes - 01-16-2023
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, January 16, 2023*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Diane Randall, Brad Lawes, John Rouse, Tom Barker Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Robbie Devoid, Sandra Trombley Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Added weight permit, executive session for personnel issues Approval of January 2, 2023 Minutes: Motion by Tom and second by Brad to approve minutes of January 2, 2023 as written. All in favor. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by John and second by Brad authorizing Julie to pay the bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie mentioned that at the last meeting there was discussion about pay rates. She needs to do some checks to add to the bills and needs to know what the pay rates are. $13.00 an hour is less than minimum wage now, so the rate needs to be changed for the ride-along and the election worker. Julie recommends that the ride-along and election worker go to $15.00 per hour and the presiding officer goes to $20.00 an hour. Julie stated that she needs to confirm the highway rates discussed at the last meeting so she can get Arlan’s checks ready. There was discussion but no motion. Ride-along $15.00 hourPresiding Election Officer $20.00 hourElection Worker $15.00 Highway Rates 2023 Road Crew $20 hourTom $24 hourArlan & Scott $30 hour Motion by Tom and second by Brad to approve 2023 pay rates effective January 1, 2023. 4 yes and 1 abstention (John). So, approved. Motion by Tom and second by Brad to approve all State and Federal taxes and fees as required. This includes 941 payments, Vermont withholding payments, State education tax, state dog fees, and state marriage fees. All in favor. So, approved. Animal Control Officer: Robbie reported the Betourney dog bite incident has been transferred over to the responsibility of Salisbury Selectboard; as that’s where the incident took place. The dog owner has registered her dog in Leicester. Weight Permit: 1 weight permit signed by Brad. Road Foreman: Arlan asked if the bill from Viking Co. for the Salt Dog Sander was in the bills. This is not the sander that Arlan has. Arlan reported he returned the stainless-steel Salt Dog Sander and he got a regular steel Swenson sander. He did not like the stainless-steel sander. Arlan will call Viking Co. tomorrow about the incorrect invoice. The Board held the invoice and did not approve. Diane asked if Arlan ever talked with anyone down in the Junction about dry hydrants. Arlan had not. Arlan will talk with Matt Ethier about the dry hydrant. Town Clerk/Treasurer: (continued) The Municipal Roads Grant Program permit was reissued and takes effect January 26, 2023. Julie provided paperwork for Diane to sign. Diane signed Municipal Roads Grant Program notice of intent paperwork to maintain the permit. Julie provided the Highway Mileage Form for all the Board to sign. Board signed the Highway Mileage Form. There was Board discussion about the redemption part of some tax sale properties. Julie brought up the trees that came down during the last wind storm. There is a tree on the Town Green and the spruce tree behind Cathy Sargent’s which is on town property. Julie asked Arlan if the ground was hard enough to clean up the trees. Julie asked if Arlan could get the trees cut up as she has had lots of people inquiring about the trees. Julie contacted the assessor about properties on the CLA list. She has identified three propertiesthat should not be considered as part of their determination. Julie’s going to look at the list; as well. In order to appeal we have to do a letter to them and ask for appeal by January 26th. Diane signed the second page. Julie will send it up and hopefully get a redetermination and save the town from having to get a reappraisal.Julie stated that sales are crazy this year, so even if they get out of an appraisal this year, the town will likely get hit for one next year. Diane informed that the Forest Service denied the hut at Silver Lake. The article appeared in the Addison Independent. CORRESPONDENCE: Diane reviewed correspondence. OLD BUSINESS: Final Review of 2023 Budget: Julie provided a Town Report draft for the Board’s review. Julie is not sure of the wording of Article 4 on the Warning. She thinks we may need clarification from Jim Carroll. Board agrees to wait for the petition. If the petition is received with signatures, Julie will contact Jim Carroll. Motion by Brad and second by Tom to approve the budget of $798,561.66 amount to be raised by taxes offset by revenue. All in favor. So, approved. NEW BUSINESS: Adopt Warning for 2023 in Town Report: Board agrees to wait to approve the Warning. The Warning to be approved separately at a meeting next Monday, January 23rd. Motion by Tom and second by John to approve the bills. All in favor. So, approved. Executive Session: Possible Legal Matter: Motion by Tom and second by John to go into Executive Session to discuss personnel issues at 7:57 p.m. All in favor. So, approved. Motion by John and second by Tom to come out of Executive Session at 8:25 p.m. All in favor. So, approved. Motion by Tom and second by John that in the future, employee salary/payroll requests will be taken up in Executive Session for consideration. All in favor. So, approved. Motion by Brad and second by John to recess to next Monday, January 23rd, at 6:30 p.m. All in favor. So, approved. Next regular meeting February 6, 2023. Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary