Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Minutes - 9-19-2022

  Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 19, 2022
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Diane Randall, John Rouse, Brad Lawes, Tom Barker
Others Present:  Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley
Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair.
Pledge of Allegiance:
Review of Agenda 
Approval of September 6, 2022 Minutes:
Motion by Tom and second by John to approve minutes of September 6, 2022 as written.  All in favor.  So, approved. 
Review/Authorization to Pay Bills:
Motion by John and second by Diane R. authorizing Julie to pay the bills.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie explained what was in the bills.
Julie spoke to Jeremy about the Old Jerusalem Road culvert bridge.  It will probably be mid-October before the bridge opens.  
There has been a request to have the flashing speed sign on Ferson Road by the Moore’s parent’s old house.  The report has been that cars have been coming up the road at sixty and not thirty-five mph.  They are requesting a speed sign or caution sign or some sort of sign and they would be happy to have it on their property.  
Tom thought a 35-mph speed sign could be put in permanently.  
Tom looked into 3” electrical conduit pipe and irrigation pipe, but the cost to get it here is more than the price.
Brad thinks he can find some irrigation pipe.
Diane R. asked where they are planning to put the second flashing speed sign.
Tom explained they intended on putting it on the north end of Route 53.  He thought there was a good spot across from Miner’s if they cut a few tree branches.
John stated he could put it up whenever and wherever they wanted.
Julie reported that line striping for Swinington Hill Road should be done next week.  If it’s not done within two weeks, let Julie know and she will contact them again.
Julie shared a business card for Diane Harvey.  Diane has started a business doing headstone cleaning.
Julie provided an audit letter from the auditors that finalizes the audit and states that they received all the information they asked for and everything was done right to the best of our knowledge and requires Diane’s and Julie’s signature.
Diane B. and Julie signed the document.
Road Foreman:
Arlan reported the paving is done and the bill is $116,320.00 for 1,307 ton.
Motion by Brad and second by Tom to approve the increase in the paving budget by $6,350.  All in favor.  So, approved.
Arlan will get more sand and salt; as needed.
Weight Permits:  Signed
  •       Maple Broadband High Speed Fiber Internet – ARPA – First Phase
  •       Letter from Otter Creek Watershed Insect Control District Board requesting increase in funding.
Response to VT Sun 2023 Race Letter:
The Board was in agreement with the revisions to the draft letter that Diane will sign and send to VT Sun documenting the Board’s concerns.  A copy will go to Major Whitcomb who is the Permitting Officer to the VT State Police.  Diane has documented evidence this year of the bikers sharing both sides of the road.
John recommended Julie sending the letter certified mail/return receipt requested.
3-Way Stop:
Tom brought up the 3-way stop by Roger Scarborough’s going up toward Swinington Hill.  There was discussion a few meetings back but no conclusion.  There was talk about eliminating two stop signs and Tom wondered if that was still a consideration.
There was discussion about drivers not stopping through that area.  
Brad commented that he didn’t see where removing stop signs would make things safer.
There was consensus to leave the three-way stop signs and paint three STOP bars. 
John will do the stencil painting when the rain stops.
Resignation of ACO/dog issues:
Diane shared that the Animal Control Officer submitted his letter of resignation and stated he would work through September 27th.
Diane talked with the Selectboard Chair in Salisbury and they would be happy to help with advertising as a shared ACO position.
Diane talked with Jessica at Homeward Bound and she stated that strays can go to Homeward Bound, but others under a warrant must go to a veterinarian first to be checked out; and then it can go to Homeward Bound, if they believe it’s going to be actively pursued.  
Jessica told Diane that some towns don’t do anything.  Some have a crate in their town sheds to hold dogs.  
Tom has been looking for used smaller kennels on the internet to keep a dog overnight.   Tom will continue to look for a crate.  Tom has a dog house that he no longer uses, if anyone is in need.
Animal Welfare Investigation Courses are being offered in Pittsford.  One next Thursday for Introduction to Animal Welfare Investigation Level 1 and one October 20th for Advanced Animal Welfare Investigation.  It was recommended that a Board Member and the Animal Control Officer attend.
Julie stated a town south of Leicester contracts with the Sheriff Department and others contract with Rescues.
Diane will prepare a joint advertisement for Leicester and Salisbury for the Animal Control Officer on an as needed basis in the Addison Independent and FPF.
Lister Error & Omission:
Julie explained that this form is required anytime there is an error that will affect the taxable grand list.  There was a contiguous property, which is two parcels under the same ownership on one tax bill.  They sold one of the parcels.  They separated it, but didn’t take the assessment for the inactive parcel out.  They had to fix that.
Board signed the Error & Omission Form.
Motion by Tom to adjourn at 7:23 p.m.
Next meeting:  Monday, October 3, 2022
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, Secretary