Meeting Minutes
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday May 16, 2016*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Brad Lawes Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Added BLSG update under New Business Approval of May 2, 2016 minutes: Motion by Ron and second by Tom to approve minutes of May 2, 2016 as written. 1 abstention, 3 yes. So approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie talked about Act 46 and the transition to the unified school district and a conflict with the statutes. She is waiting for a letter from the Department of Education Legal Department that outlines the process and what covers us for the steps of the transition. Julie asked the Board to support her with the conflicts with the statutes. Motion by Tom and second by Ron to support Julie until we get the letter from the Department of Education covering Town Treasurers. All in favor. So approved. Road Foreman: Arlan reported they have done ditching on the end of Delorm Road and put the culvert in the driveway. He lengthened out the culvert on the top of Swinington Hill. Scott has done some grading and hauled some gravel. Arlan ordered the four blue metal sides for the Town Shed. Diane mentioned possibly getting a new Town of Leicester sign for the shed. Once the shed is done, a new sign will be made. Arlan reported they have a gas pump for the chloride truck. Cemetery Committee: The committee met last Thursday. Tom reported that he updated the maps last Thursday. Some want to plant flowers. They are going to meet Mr. Durkee on Wednesday at 6:30 at the cemetery to go over the stones to be cleaned. Diane will call Ken to see if he is still interested in being on the Cemetery Committee. Health Officer: Animal Control Officer: Weight Permits: Weight permit was approved for Cardinal Logistics Management Corporation out of Concord, NC. CORRESPONDENCE: Paving Grant Update: Brian Sanderson sent a letter stating that Leicester will be getting $146,796 in state funds. Motion by Tom and second by Brad to approve the bills. All in favor. So approved. NEW BUSINESS: BLSG Update: Brad reported about a special meeting last Thursday evening. The Town of Pittsford has applied to become a member of the BLSG. The BLSG is going to charge them $15,000 for the first year to do just larvicide. The larvicide portion is being reimbursed 75% by the State for this first year. Down the road, if the BLSG ever disbands, the Town of Pittsford would be entitled to 1/5 of the assets purchased after July 1, 2016. This amendment is going back to the Pittsford Selectboard for approval. The advantages to this agreement; will be more acres that will be treated and they will meet the threshold to get the planes in. The Town of Pittsford is committed to providing an employee who will be doing a lot of the monitoring to cover that area. The Argo is coming in the next couple of weeks. OLD BUSINESS: Seeking Replacement: There has been some interest for the vacant Board position. Letters of interest must be received by June 3rd for the June 6th meeting. Diane said it will appear in the paper again before the deadline. BUILDING NEEDS: HIGHWAY CONCERNS/NEEDS: Town Shed: LIMITED PUBLIC OPINION: EXECUTIVE SESSION, if needed: Motion by Brad to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Next Meeting: June 6, 2016 Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. TrombleySelectboard Secretary