Meeting Minutes
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday April 4, 2016*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, KenYoung, Brad Lawes Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, John Chandler, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Added Lake Dunmore topic, Green Up Approval of March 21, 2016 minutes: Motion by Ron and second by Tom to approve minutes of March 21, 2016 as written. All in favor. So approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Animal Control Officer: John submitted hours that were forgotten for the month of January. January 15th he picked up a hound dog with no collar or tags, near Fern Lake, and took it to Homeward Bound. January 21st John spoke with a resident with two unregistered dogs. January 23rd he gave registration reminders. He still had minor resident disputes on Isthmus Trail. His bill is in the orders. March 3rd John picked up two nice Labs with vaccination tags, but no ID tags, and brought them to Homeward Bound. Julie has information that there are at least three dogs at Cove Point that have never been registered. She stated that she has about 47 dogs left to register. Julie will send an updated list at the end of next week. Julie registered John for Animal Control Training, April 24th at VTC. Road Foreman: Arlan reported they hauled some gravel and graded some roads. John Seeley on Hooker Road wants to dig 4’ away from the road and put some stones on the lake side. Arlan doesn’t see a problem. The board has no problem with this; if the State does not have a problem with it. Arlan will talk with Mr. Seeley and give him the telephone number to check with the State about the project. Ken reported about the ditching on corner lot of Delorm and Fern Lake Road. The ditch was full of water after the rain; almost over flowing. Arlan stated the driveway culvert is the town’s responsibility and should be done. Arlan will order a 15”/20’driveway culvert. Arlan will talk with Ploof and Quinn. Julie will design a form, with statute on back, to use when doing work within the town’s right of way for the next meeting. Arlan reported that he thought Steve might be able to get siding for the shed for less money. Steve will look into it for Arlan. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie reported that the Planning Commission met last Tuesday and finalized the zoning regulations for legal review. The regulations are at ACRP with Adam Lougee who is going to review them and get them back by the end of April. Based on that, they will get approved by the Planning Commission either at their last meeting in April or first meeting in May. The last meeting in May will be the public meeting for the Planning Commission. It will be approved and forwarded to Selectboard where Selectboard needs to have a public meeting. It will go to the next Selectboard meeting for approval. It takes effect mid August. Once that is done, we move on to the Town Plan. Julie provided the Board the section of the regulations on access permits for their review. She asked Board to review and call or email Julie with any corrections or concerns by next meeting. Diane complimented Julie’s work with the zoning regulations and recognized the time and work put into them. Board thanked Julie. Motion by Tom and second by Ken to use $500 in budget under writing and research to pay Julie for her work on the zoning regulations. All in favor. So approved. Health Officer: Cemetery Committee: Tom stated that the Cemetery Committee will meet April 14th. Motion by Tom and second by Brad to approve bills. All in favor. So approved. Weight Permits: Weight permits were approved. Green Up Day: Green Up Day is Saturday, May 7th. Diane reported that Lem called to say he would do the pick up for the same price as last year, $550. Discussion of debris on the Bullock Road. Diane and Kate are working on Green Up day cookout. Diane would like to get others involved in Green Up work. There were suggestions of possible community service. John Chandler offered to help with Green Up. CORRESPONDENCE: NEW BUSINESS: Highway Financial Plan to approve: The Highway Financial Plan was changed due to a typo. Julie did not do the 60/40 split because she doesn’t feel that it reflects accurately. The Board re-approved the annual Highway Financial Plan with corrections. Lake Dunmore topic: Brad reported he thinks they are getting close to getting a permit to treat the lake. The State has come back with a list of things they need to do. Within 15 days prior to treatment, each and every person on the lake has to be officially notified. They need an accurate list of the people that have land that abuts Lake Dunmore & Fern Lake and one mile down the stream in Salisbury. Brad is hoping that Town Clerk’s can provide the most accurate list of landowners and all pertinent telephone numbers. The Lake Dunmore Association has a fairly accurate list of people on the lake already. They just want a firm update. Julie explained that telephone number would be hard. Julie needs clarification if this means only property owners abutting the lake or others that do not abut the lake, but are near or draw water from the lake. OLD BUSINESS: Highway and Structures Grants: Arlan provided figures for asphalt for the grant application for paving from the intersection of Rte.7 to Rt.53 back to new pavement at $158,795 and Fernville Road $24,700 at a cost of $65 per ton estimate for a total of $183,495. Diane will apply for the full $175,000 grant. Deadline for the grant is April 15th. BUILDING NEEDS: HIGHWAY CONCERNS/NEEDS: Brad donated two tanks to the Town; a 3,000 gallon vertical tank and a 1,500 stainless steel tank. Brad will provide Julie the information of value for tax purposes. Julie will prepare a document for the Selectboard to sign at the next meeting. Town Shed: LIMITED PUBLIC OPINION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Tom and second by Ron to go into Executive Session for personnel matter to discuss confidential CDL Records exempt per 1 V.S.A. § 313 (a)(6) and municipal security measures exempt per 1 V.S.A.§ 313 (a)(10) at 8:25 p.m. Motion by Ron and second by Tom to come out of Executive Session at 8:28 p.m. with no action taken. Motion by Ken and second by Tom to adjourn at 8:28 p.m. Next Meeting: April 18, 2016 Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. TrombleySelectboard Secretary