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Meeting Minutes - ZBA

Town of Leicester
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present:  Pete Fjeld,Donna Swinington, Jeff McDonough, Connie Carroll, Bill Shouldice
Others Present:  Kate Briggs, ZA, Sue Stroud-Speyers, Lynn Bisbee, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call ZBA to Order & Roll Call:  Peter called the ZBA Meeting to order at 6:04 p.m. with roll call.
Reviewed Agenda:  
04-13-ZBA, Applicant The McKernon Group, Landowner: Louis Miron #212129, 108 Dogwood Drive, Zoning District L1:
Peter read the warning.  
No interested parties were present in person.  No verbal objections. 
Louis Miron sent an email to Kate as confirmation that the McKernon Group may act as his agent in connection with the submission and execution of the building permit for the proposed project.
Peter recused himself from the Board as there was a conflict of interest because he was representing McKernon Group as Mr. Miron’s agent.
Donna read the procedures. 
Peter was sworn in.
Peter explained that it was a non-conforming structure having to come to ZBA because the building doesn’t meet the front yard setback from the lake.  Any change to this non-conforming structure requires ZBA action.  They are putting a small addition on the back and change the entrance.
Kate Briggs provided photos to help visualize the property, but is not part of the application packet.  The building does not meet the setbacks; although the addition does. 
No questions from the board.  Kate talked with the Paison’s and they had no objections.  There were no objections from other adjoining landowners. 
No public comment. 
Donna closed the meeting at 6:10 p.m. and went into deliberative session.
Findings of Fact Section 363 Waivers:  The McKernon Group for Louis Miron, 108 Dogwood Drive
Votes by Board
  1. For use permitted within the district as by right use (as opposed to conditional use).
    1. 4 – Yes
  2. Is in conformance with the town plan and goals.
    1. 4 – Yes    
  3. Conforms to the character of the land and design reasonably limits impact upon neighbors.
    1. 4 – Yes
  4. Design used incorporates design techniques, screening or other remedies to limit impact upon neighbors.
    1. 4 – Yes
  5. Accommodates structures providing for disability accessibility, fire safety and other requirements of land or energy conservation or renewable energy
    1. 4 – Yes
Statement of Findings:  Permit Approved
Conditions for Approval:   None.
Motion by Jeff and second by Connie to approve minutes of January 29, 2013.  All in favor.  So approved.
Motion by Jeff and second by Connie to adjourn ZBA meeting at 6:19 p.m.    All in favor.  So approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Zoning Board of Adjustment