Meeting Minutes - PC
Town of Leicester Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday, July 30, 2013*Unapproved* ** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Donna Swinington, Peter Fjeld, Jeff McDonough Absent: Sue Stroud-Speyers, William Shouldice, Kate Briggs Others Present: Sandra Trombley, Secretary Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. with roll call. Meeting Minutes Approval: Motion by Jeff and second by Peter to approve minutes of July 30, 2013 as written. All in favor. So approved. Town Plan Revisions: Peter reported that he worked on his homework assignment gathering construction standards in Addison County. Peter shared information at the July 30, 2013 meeting. The Board felt our construction standards are better than most and to keep them. Peter remembered a definition of noise at the property line in some other towns. Donna’s assignment was flooding. Donna found 2005 & 2008. Donna has not been able to get anything from Addison County Regional Planning has not gotten back to her yet. It is controlled by State and Federal government and towns have little to say about it. There has been no feedback on driveways from Kate. Board felt they needed to clarify who will help reformat the zoning regulations. Donna talked with Diane and she confirmed there would be funds to pay someone. The Selectboard needs to know the time table to complete the revisions. Should be done by end of September. Will probably need about 24 hours of time for someone to reformat the document. The Board started marking up sections of the zoning regulations trying to make it simpler and not breaking it down into so many parts. There was some discussion of asking Adam Lougee to come down and answer some questions and help so that the applicant has to answer ‘yes’ to the five questions of the waivers and if they can’t, the waiver would be denied. Numbering under some sections; such as Section 430, 460, 500 need to be reformatted. We need to sit with Kate like we did with the Town Plan. Public Comment: None Adjournment: Motion by Jeff and second by Peter to adjourn at 7:35 p.m. Next meeting is August 27, 2013 with two ZBA hearings followed by Planning Commission Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. Trombley, PC Secretary