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A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 2, 2014
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker
Members Absent: Brad Lawes, Ken Young
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Kate Briggs, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Review of Agenda:
Approval of May 19, 2014 Minutes:
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to approve minutes of May 19, 2014; as written. All in favor. So approved.
Review/Authorization to pay bills:Bills making their rounds for signatures.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Road Foreman:
Julie reported a call from Dunmore Acres stating there was a tree across on the line across from Dunmore Acres. He called the power company and he called the phone company. The power company said it was the phone company’s problem. The phone company said it was the town’s problem.
Arlan agreed to take a look and investigate. He doesn’t think it’s the town’s responsibility. He will look at it and call whoever is responsible.
Arlan talked with Jeff McDonough about fence on Reserve Road and Jeff would like a plank on the back side of the fence.
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to approve additional funds for additional fencing to meet Mr. McDonough’s request. All in favor. So approved.
Arlan will try to get another helper to move the project along.
There was discussion about independent contractors.
Arlan dug up the end of the culvert down by Bridle Path Lane. The cable plow cut the fiber optic cable that went right down the middle of the culvert. They fixed it today by putting it over top of the culvert and not through it.
Arlan’s plan for work that needs to be done:
  • clean out the inlets of the culverts on the Bullock Road and Ferson Road. Tom mentioned that the exits were just as important.
  • cut the two maple trees down on the corner by Malinowski’s. Take the shoulders off so the water can get out of the road. Tom thinks it would be a great visibility help too.
  • clean the culvert down by where Paul Bearor used to live. There is hardly any water that gets through there.
  • Tom mentioned checking the culverts by Ward Mann’s.
  • there needs to be ditching done from Mountain View Club, south on the east side of the road.
  • haul winter sand.
Meeting with Sheriff Keeler:
Diane shared the reasons the Board wanted him to come. She shared a story about a Sheriff’s comments about the Town of Leicester, and lack of communication. What the town thinks is priority is not necessarily the Sheriff’s Department priority. Diane shared that they need to work together.
Don explained that two of the things that concerns the Board’s do not fit their philosophy. He has 17 daylight contracted towns. They don’t want to deal with drunks at 10:00 p.m. at night. That’s the risk of processing at night. They want to know that homes are safe when citizens are working.
He explained their philosophy. He asked what the Board wanted.
Ron mentioned that most complaints come about speeders on Rte 53. Tom mentioned that Jerusalem Road and Dewey Road is the back way for criminals, drugs, drunks. Ron mentioned that the Sheriff’s presence on Hooker Road last year made a big difference.
There was further discussion about hours.
Contract price is $130 for a four hour shift; $27 hour for contract rate and .56 cents per mile for speed enforcement and presence. No patrols after 9:00 p.m. at night.
There was discussion about junk enforcement.
Don stated that junk would fall under the solid waste contract at $36 per hour. If the town signs a speed enforcement contract, the Sheriff’s Department would take care of junk enforcement at $0 for their contracted towns.
Don left a blank contract. Diane did not want to sign a contract without the other two board members input. The Board meets again on June 16th.
Tom feels they need to do something before the July 4th weekend.
Don talked about the drug driving problems.
Julie mentioned the drug problem on the school yard property. She thinks a presence in this area would be helpful. She asked if this area of patrol could be mandatory on each shift.
Zoning Administrator:
Kate talked about the pursuit of the revisions of their zoning regulations. In the plan, they planned for three or four public meetings.
The first meeting is scheduled for the joint meeting on the last Tuesday of the month, June 24th.   Two topics are Economic Development and Commercial Use. There is a misunderstanding about needing a permit for change of use. Two problems are the redefinition clarification of the different uses and how to get people into compliance. A conditional review prevents the eye sore from happening. Undoing it is very difficult.
They want to talk about the whole picture. The definitions, activities that affect their neighbors. One activity would be to get some photographs as examples from other towns and talk about them. Kate hopes some Selectboard members will attend the June 24th meeting.
Kate will ask the Planning Commission members to participate in planning.
Kate would like to contact Lee Kahrs to write something positive for the newspaper to try to get people to come and participate. They want to encourage people to participate. Kate will try to coordinate a meeting with Lee and with Diane and Donna.
Kate wants to print about 25 colored copies of the Town Plan to be paid from the grant money. There is a process to get the money.
Julie offered to assist with the graphics/chart part of it.
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to authorize Treasurer to pay bills. All in favor. So approved.
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
CAMA Cost Tax Table Agreement for Listers was signed by the Chair.
The Milfoil Grant for $87,980 was signed by the Chair.
Julie received a letter of interest for the open lister position from Amy Greene Quenneville. Julie thinks she talked with Jeff and Diane. The Board suggests the listers meet with Amy to see if they feel she is compatible and she’s clear about the philosophy. The Board would like a recommendation from the listers.
Julie reported that Bob came in and he is all done painting inside the white building. He needs to put the light back and then he will give Julie the key. He hopes to get a lot of painting done outside this week.
Listers: None
Cemetery Committee:
Tom mentioned they would like to do some more stone cleaning this year. It will be another year before they tackle the fence.
They have put the north fence work on the back burner.
Arlan will take his DR on both sides of the fence.
Motion by Diane and second by Ron to authorize a sum not to exceed $2,000 for stone cleaning to be taken from the restricted fund. All in favor. So approved.
Weight Permits: None
High Risk Rural Roads Info:
Diane and Daryl went up and down the Leicester Whiting Road. The signs as they are; are what was approved. Leicester will be responsible to put up a Leicester Whiting Road sign at the T if they want to put up a sign. They will have to change one 50mph sign in Leicester. The sign on the curve of Leicester Whiting Road and Bullock Road is ok.
Arlan will order a Leicester Whiting Road sign for the T and a 50 mph sign.
Daryl took a lot of photos where there are no guardrails at Leicester Junction /Old Jerusalem Roads. He will talk with AOT to see if there is something they might do.
VTrans Grants:
Diane sent an email to Tom Roberts to see why they didn’t get the grant. Tom said they were late and the culvert size was wrong.
Arlan said Tom Roberts was going to come up with a plan for the culvert.
Interim Zoning Administrator:
Tom reported that Janet Wilson would help out in a pinch. She doesn’t want the job.
Diane placed a legal ad in the paper for two weeks and wrote an article for the paper.
Julie asked what the next steps would be after Kate is done. This is a busy time of year and she wants to know what to tell people that come in.
Tom informed that the Zoning Board Chair could be the interim. Ron will look up the information about this situation.
Diane will call Janet Wilson.
Ron will confirm the rules about interim ZA’s and let Diane know.
Diane will call Donna and/or Peter.
Language for Planning Commission:
Last Tuesday, Diane provided the Planning Commission with information from other towns for language for zoning for impact radius, existing infrastructure, viable alternatives, emergency responders training and money for equipment, communication with landowners. This is a starting point.
Diane thinks they need to think about legal counsel expense for the future.
Changes to Open Meeting Law:
Agendas need to be posted and on the web-site 24 hours in advance of meeting. Agenda has to be reviewed at the beginning of the meeting and only changes that are discussed at the review can happen. Minutes have to be done and on the web-site in five days. It starts July 1, 2014.
Meeting with Sheriff Keeler: Covered Earlier Above
Senior Center Exterior Building Needs: Covered in Clerk’s Report
Motion by Tom to adjourn at 8:50 p.m.
Next Meeting June 16, 2014.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley