Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 6, 2014
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, Brad Lawes
Members Absent: Ken Young
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Jim Crawford, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair.
Review of Agenda:
Wellarkes appeal added to Old Business. Hazard Survey added under Building Needs. No weight permits.
Heat Pump:
Jim Crawford was invited to talk about heat pumps. Introductions were made.
Heat pumps use a compressor and free on to take the heat out of the outside air and bring it inside. They are much more efficient than using traditional electrical baseboard. It can provide cooling; as well. It has a variable speed compressor. They work to about 0 degrees or a little below. They lose efficiency below that. When it’s very cold, the traditional heating would come on.
The compressor is mounted outside. They like it up off the ground.
Jim explained the options of a multi-port at a price of $7,900 or a one-to-one at $8,200.
There is a $500 point of sale rebate from Efficiency Vermont, but it’s not official as yet.
This may be something for consideration for next year’s budget.
Structural Energy Conservation out of Middlebury also provided a quote of $7,068 for a multi-port unit.
Approval of Minutes of September 15 & September 21, 2014:
Motion by Brad and second by Tom to approve minutes of September 15 & September 21, 2014 as written. All in favor. So approved.
Review/Authorization to Pay Bills:
Motion by Tom and second by Brad to approve the bills. All in favor. So approved.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Road Forman:
Tom asked Arlan about the dry hydrant at the Fern Lake Access. Tom thinks the inlet of the pipe is plugged with weeds. Arlan, Brad and Tom will check with others and figure something out.
Upper Bullock, Old Jerusalem and Cram Road need grading.
Tom and Julie mentioned some signs that need to be fixed.
Arlan needs to start drawing more sand.
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie received a phone call from the bank about a problem with the account numbers on their checks. The bank is correcting the problem and new checks will be provided.
Delinquent taxes are at $73,000. The office will be open next Wednesday, October 15th from 9:00 – 2:00.
Diane will contact Beth about delinquent taxes.
Julie is waiting for a call from Jim Carroll to answer questions.
Julie reported that they have the renewal for insurance which needs to be sent in this week.
Diane reported that on September 24th a resident called her about someone racing up and down the road on a four wheeler. The Sheriff’s Department told her they did not have a contract with the Town of Leicester and to call the Chair; which she did. Diane recommended she call the State Police.
Cemetery Committee:
Tom reported that Don Durkee has done his work. They will have a meeting.
Brad reported about the mosquito situation and the State will get involved with the Vermont Conservation Law Foundation.
Weight Permit: None
Liquor License:
The folks from the store asked about doing a liquor store and they would like to act on it sooner rather than later.
Julie found out that the town did approve beer, wine and spirits in 1951.   Julie will inform them that the Board is ok with it and they need to go through their permitting process.
Culvert Inventory:
Diane was informed that the Transportation Planner will be working with each Road Foreman and Commissioner about updating the culvert inventory on the VOBCIT web-site. Towns of Leicester,
Bristol, Whiting and Salisbury are supposed to be done first.
Wellarkes Appeal:
The court postponed the conference call. David can only represent the town for the first phone call and not at pretrial. David requested that the Town Attorney take the call and represent the town at pretrial on November 3rd.
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to appoint Jim Carroll to represent the town. All in favor. So approved.
Annual Passive Hazard Survey:
Every year someone comes to do a check. The exit light is not working again. It was working and it’s not working again. Julie ordered a new emergency light. Julie would like it to come out of building repairs. Julie will call Glen to rewire it.
Arlan would like some new lighting in and outside the Town Shed. Brad explained about Efficiency Vermont. They will pay for the lights as long as they are from the approved list.
Julie will have Glen contact Arlan to look at what the needs are and Glen can give a cost estimate.
Limited Public Opinion: None
Executive Session:
Motion by Ron and second by Brad to go into Executive Session at 7:47 p.m. to review CDL records and to discuss municipal security measures.
Motion by Ron and second by Brad to come out of Executive Session at 8:05 p.m. with no action taken.
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to adjourn at 8:05 p.m.
Next Meeting:October 20, 2014.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary