Meeting Minutes
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, May 19, 2014*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, Ken Young Members Absent: Brad Lawes Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary, Hannah Sessions, Annie Claghorn, Catlin Fox, Jayne Fjeld, Andrew Menkart, Bob Sherman, Suki Fredericks, Lesley Wright Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Review of Agenda: Approval of May 5, 2014 Minutes: Motion by Tom and second by Ron to approve minutes of May 5, 2014; as written. All in favor. So approved. Review/Authorization to pay bills:Bills making their rounds for signatures. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie asked for clarification on the ACSW invoice for $172. Board agreed to put it under miscellaneous category. Julie reported that delinquent taxes were at $88,500. Julie reported she is borrowing money. Brandon made an offer for the map rack of $200. Board accepted. Road Foreman: Arlan reported they hauled some winter sand from D&F. Ron asked about the trees on Jerusalem Road. Arlan is going to try to cut them tomorrow. Arlan is available for next Thursday’s Hazard Mitigation Meeting with Tim Boutin. Zoning Administrator: None Listers: None Cemetery Committee: Tom reported that they discussed lot prices. They have decided to bring it to the Selectboard and ask that they raise the price from the current $125 to $250 for residents past or present, and $350 for non-resident/extended family. There was discussion of a third category or tier for non-residents. Tom will take it back to the committee for discussion. Board recommended checking the deed for clarification and intent. Weight Permits: Arlan reviewed and ok’d the weight permit for Goodro Lumber. CORRESPONDENCE High Risk Rural Roads Info: Diane found that the guardrail work is part of the HRRR Grant. The corner of Leicester/Whiting Road and Old Jerusalem Road are not part of the grant. If they do anything to it, it is on the Town’s budget. It is not part of HRRR. Tomorrow afternoon, Diane and Daryl Benoit will be going to the Whiting town line to check speed limit signs. The 45 mph and 30 mph signs are not properly placed and are supposed to be up at Bullock Road. Stream Alteration Permit: Board authorized Arlan to do the work to dig it out and put rock in. Lem loaded and unloaded tires. Diane will contact him for an invoice for his work. Cal Loven cleaned up the Fern Lake Access, both triangles and Maple Street triangle. Board agreed to pay three times per summer. Tom talked with Deputy Maxfield. They know of drug activity at the school and cemetery. Diane will invite Don Keeler to the June 2nd meeting; and request a contract. NEW BUSINESS Vermont Gas Meeting: Introductions to Board were made. Jim Sinclair, VP, Sales & Marketing and Eileen Simollardes, VP, Supply & Regulatory Affairs came to present an overview of the Addison-Rutland Natural Gas Project and specifically how it pertains to Leicester; Phase III of that project. They have been talking to communities along the way. Eileen explained that there is no specific route planned for Phase III to date. Phase I has received its Certificate of Public Good. It will provide gas to primarily Vergennes andMiddlebury. It is 41 miles of transmission pipeline going from Colchester to Middlebury. Hope to start construction June 2nd. Construction in the southern part next year 2015 and others in 2016.Phase II is the expansion of natural gas to Shoreham and Cornwall and the Ticonderoga Paper Mill. International Paper is going to be paying fully for 17 miles of pipe that they need to serve Rutland.They can serve Rutland 15 years sooner because of this. Will start on Phase II in 2015. Phase III, they want to start in Middlebury and end in Rutland. Some communities and businesses have expressed interest, but there is no route planned yet. They have met with most communities. They have had three open houses. They would like to serve the Rutland area by 2020. Diane asked about the projected timeline for Leicester and Salisbury. Eileen stated that they would do a route advisory process late summer/early fall. If concluded, they could have a preliminary route next summer of 2015 and file a 248 in spring 2016. Diane asked where along the way would community members get to weigh in on their feelings about this project. Eileen explained that they would have open houses. They would be open to what the communities wanted. Questions were asked from the public about locating it, areas of natural resources, potential environmental damage, safety, how it might hurt current LP gas businesses, eminent domain. Diane asked what the next steps would be relating to the community of Leicester. Eileen informed they would need to first put pencil to paper and plan with more specificity, reach back out to the community and ask how the community wants to participate and what does the community want from VT Gas to keep the citizens informed. Diane asked about the formula that makes it efficient or not efficient for the company to offer distribution to this town. Eileen admitted she is not that familiar with Leicester. Eileen stated that in finding a location for a gate station. A small community requires a small gate station. Julie asked if there was a standard stating how close the line can be to residences. Eileen explained that there is no standard. There are homes and businesses that are fairly close to the transmission line. But, they try to follow what communities are asking of them. Julie asked what types of hazards they need to be concerned about when preparing their hazard mitigation plan. Eileen suggested talking to existing communities. Jim Sinclair stated he would be willing to help Julie with that. A member of the public asked about a recreation/bike path. Jim stated that in an effort to outreach to the community, when talks begin they would be able to put that on the table for collaboration. Landowners would get a letter for a right of entry for an environmental assessment. If their property is suitable for the pipeline, they would be approached by a Right of Way Agent, and then they would approach the landowner with an offer for easement. Request to Deliver Mobile Home: Chair read letter of request from Kurt Nicklaw. Approved by Board. Motion by Tom and second by Ken to authorize Treasurer to pay bills. All in favor. So approved. VTrans Grants: Chair informed that they received letters that Leicester is not getting a Highway Structures Program Grant or a Town Highway Class II Grant this year. Diane will contact Tom Roberts. Resignation of Zoning Administrator: Kate resigned as Zoning Administrator effective June 15, 2014. Ron recommended sending a letter to all businesses in violation of zoning. Tom will contact Janet Wilson to see if she might be interested in an interim position as Zoning Administrator. Ron will follow up with Mort for the name of the out of town person Mort had mentioned. Diane will contact Donna Swinington and place an ad in the newspaper and request they send letters of interest to Diane by June 9th. OLD BUSINESS Junk Ordinance Enforcement: Senior Center Exterior Building Needs: Some work has been done, but it is not finished. LIMITED PUBLIC OPINION: None Motion by Tom and second by Ron to go into Executive Session at 9:00 p.m. to discuss pending legal matter. Passed unanimously. Motion by Ron and second by Tom to come out of Executive Session at 9:12 p.m. No Action taken. Motion by Tom and second by Ron to adjourn at 9:12 p.m. Next Meeting June 2, 2014. Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. TrombleySecretary