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A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 16, 2014
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker, Ken Young
Members Absent: Brad Lawes
Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Kate Briggs, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Review of Agenda:
Approval of June 2, 2014 Minutes:
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to approve minutes of June 2, 2014; as written. All in favor. So approved.
Review/Authorization to pay bills:Bills making their rounds for signatures.
Julie explained some of the bills. There are a lot of high dollar bills this time. The remainder of Bob’s bill is in the bills. Julie has borrowed $45,000 on the loan. Jason Disorda helped Arlan on the Reserve Road project.
Arlan recommended a sign at the entrance of Reserve Road; indicating public access, please remain within right of way. Jeff should put a no trespass sign; as well. Arlan will purchase the sign.
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to take a brief recess to view the Senior Center before authorizing payment of the bill. All in favor. So approved.
The building needs painting next year and money should be put in next year’s budget. The bridge should be reinforced.
The Board authorized Ron to purchase ¾” plywood and screws and 100’ of ¾” plastic pipe.
Reports from Town Officials, Committees:
Town Clerk/Treasurer:
Julie contacted three different people regarding a quote on security cameras. They are looking at options, as the price is very high. Julie asked them to quote a panic button for the office because she works alone most of the time.
Delinquents are at $84,500.
They had a Hazard Mitigation Meeting.
Julie provided the Board with the Financial Management Questionnaire Form for towns and cities. This is required by State auditors. The Board acknowledged, reviewed and accepted the form and the form was signed by the Chair.
Julie needs to request money from the Zoning By-Laws Grant for printing and advertising costs.
Julie received a phone call from a homeowner on Fernville Road. The lady asked if it would be possible to put signs on both ends of Fernville Road due to vehicles going too fast from Rt.53 to Fern Lake Road. They are not driving 25 mph. She is concerned about the walkers, swimmers and bikers this time of the year. There was discussion. No action taken.
Amy Greene Quenneville came in and met with Jeff and Diane. Per Julie, the listers would like to recommend Amy for the open lister position.
Julie went through the Legislative Wrap Up. Julie handed out the Shoreland Protection information and the Open Meeting Law Changes to the Board. Julie went through the highlights with the Board.
Open Meeting Law Changes effective July 1, 2014 to comply with the law. The first important item is designating locations where notices and agendas for meetings will be posted. Designated areas are:
  • Town Bulletin Board
  • Town Shed
  • Town Clerk’s Office
There was discussion about building something larger at the Town Shed to post the many notices, warnings, agendas, ballots and voter checklist.
Julie went over timeframes for minutes and agendas to be posted in the Town Office and on the web-site. All agreed that the new regulations are not practical for small towns.
Kate mentioned it would be nice for adjoining property owners to be able to participate by phone from out of state at ZBA meetings.
Kate thinks it would be a step backward to take the web-site down to meet State Statutes.
Zoning Administrator:
The proposed Public Forum, July 8, 2014, will be publicized. Kate contacted the Reporter and Lake Dunmore Association. It will be a joint forum of the PC and State. The State will have a representative to do the State’s part of the meeting. Town Plans need to be printed in color for the meeting.
We need to come up with a draft of the revised regulations. Once they have a draft, they can do an RFP for the technical review. They are leaning toward VLCT.
The commercial activity next door to the Leicester General Store has stopped. They have filed a permit application for conditional use review to resume it in the future.
There are some other pending matters regarding the single family house. It has a failed septic system. Kate got back in touch with the State.
Road Foreman:
Arlan reported they graded Dewey Road and upper Bullock Road. They worked on the fence on the Reserve Road. They drew more winter sand.
Ron mentioned brush that needs to be cut on the corner of Old Jerusalem Road and Leicester Whiting Road. The corner needs to be nipped off. Two signs on Leicester Whiting Road also need brush cleared.
There was discussion about fixing the spring at the top of the hill after the four corners. Arlan would like to pave a small section on the hill and then the rest from Salisbury line and come back as far as he can. There was discussion that the spring should be fixed on the hill before paving.
Ken asked Arlan about the bank in front of Ferson’s house. The bank needs to be wrapped.
Ken asked about sand and how much they have hauled. Arlan will draw 1,500 yards and see where they are.
Listers: None
Cemetery Committee:
Committee meets Thursday night. They will discuss the cost of the lots and cleaning more stones. They will report back.
Weight Permits:
There was one weight permit for Canope Timber. Arlan gave verbal approval. Julie will fax it to Brad’s signature.
Finance Agreement with Railroad:
Chair signed page 8 for Leicester STP Project.
Motion by Tom and second by Ken to authorize Treasurer to pay bills. All in favor. So approved.
Shoreland Protection Legislation:
Julie provided handouts to the Board for reading.
Contract with Sheriff’s Department:
Diane shared information from a subsequent conversation with Sheriff Keeler about traffic enforcement. There was discussion that the a signed contract would get traffic enforcement services only from the Sheriff’s Department. The Sheriff’s Department would be able to do junk ordinance enforcement. The State Police would handle all other calls.
Motion by Diane and second by Tom not to sign the contract with the Sheriff’s Department at this time. All in favor. So approved.
Listers Open Position:
Motion by Ron and second by Ken to appoint Amy Greene Quenneville as the third lister. 2 Yes and 1 abstention (Tom).
Zoning Administrator Position:
There was one letter of interest. Diane will contact Donna informing her that we have an applicant.
Senior Center Exterior Building Needs:
Discussed earlier.
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to go into Executive Session to discuss a pending legal matter and personnel at 8:55 p.m. Passed unanimously.
Motion by Tom and second by Ron to come out of Executive Session at 9:08 p.m. Chair to communicate with concerned party about complaint.
Motion by Tom and second by Ken to adjourn at 9:08 p.m.
Next Meeting July 7, 2014.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley