Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Agenda 08/18/14

                                               TOWN OF LEICESTER
                                         SELECTBOARD MEETING AGENDA
                                                       TOWN OFFICE
                                                        August 18, 2014
                                                             6:30 p.m.
            ACTION                                                         Proposed Time
Pledge of Allegiance
Review of Agenda                                                      2 minutes
Approval of  August 4th minutes                                5 minutes
Review/Authorization to pay bills                              15 minutes
Reports from Town Officials, Committees                20 minutes
Weight Permits (if any)                                               5 minutes
                                                  NEW BUSINESS
Election Prep
                                                  OLD BUSINESS
                                                BUILDING NEEDS
                                    HIGHWAY CONCERNS/NEEDS
Municipal Lighting Program
LIMITED PUBLIC OPINION                                 15 minutes
EXECUTIVE SESSION:  IF NEEDED                   10 minutes