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Meeting Minutes - PC

Town of Leicester
Planning Commission Meeting
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Donna Swinington, Chair, Peter Fjeld, Jeff McDonough, Bill Shouldice
Others Present: Diane Benware, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Meeting called to order by Peter at 6:06 p.m. with roll call.
Reviewed Agenda. No changes.
Approval of Minutes of November 11, 2014:
Motion by Jeff and second by Peter to approve minutes of November 11, 2014 as written. All in favor. So approved.
Working Session on Zoning Regulation Revisions
The Board picked up where they left off from the November 11th meeting and continued working through the document. December 9th meeting was canceled due to snow storm.
Julie has been editing/updating the document. She asked Diane for some clarifications.
Diane talked with Tim Boutin at Regional Planning about the Flood Hazard Area Overlay and Tim recommended that they go with that terminology in the Poultney Plan. The ZBA would need to make sure the FEMA standards were met. The ZBA would need to make sure there is no development in the Flood Hazard Area and Tim would review with the Board if they wish.
Diane mentioned that Julie had some questions about the lake districts. In our current plan there is Lake 1 and Lake 2 districts. Julie had a question of Diane; asking if they had been merged. Peter explained that we are only regulating one district now.   Lake 1 is all properties covered under the Shoreline Protection Act. Lake 2 is now the same as residential/agricultural districts. They are regulating Lake 2.
Diane mentioned that Julie has been double checking the Table of Uses and comparing the chart to definitions and cross-referencing. Julie found some things missing and contradictory. The Board agrees. The Board will go back through and make sure they agree. This first draft may not be totally accurate.
Next Joint Meeting January 13, 2015
Motion by Jeff to adjourn at 8:15 p.m.  All in favor. So approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley, PC Secretary