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A Great Place to Live

Agenda - ZBA & PC - 01/27/15

Town of Leicester
Zoning Board of Adjustment & Planning Commission Meeting
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
6:00 P.M.
Leicester Town Office
Zoning Board of Adjustment Meeting
  1. Call Meeting to Order/Roll Call
  2. Review Agenda
  3. Approve Minutes: December 30, 2014
  4. New Business, if applicable (No permit applications)
  5. Old Business – if applicable
  6. Public Comment, if applicable
  7. Adjourn
Planning Commission Meeting
  1. Call Meeting to Order/Roll Call
  2. Review Agenda
  3. Approve Minutes of December 30, 2014
  4. New Business, if applicable
  5. Old Business, Continue Working Session on Zoning Regulation Revisions
  6. Public Comment, if applicable
  7. Adjourn to ZBA Meeting