Meeting Minutes - PC
Town of Leicester Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday, September 9, 2014*Unapproved* ** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Donna Swinington, Chair, Peter Fjeld, Jeff McDonough, Bill Shouldice Others Present: Diane Benware, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Meeting called to order by Peter at 6:00 p.m. with roll call. Approval of Minutes of August 26, 2014: Motion by Jeff and second by Peter to approve minutes of August 26, 2014 as written. All in favor. So approved. NEW BUSINESS Discussion & Plan Next Steps of Zoning Regulation Revisions: Donna provided copies of the Poultney Unified Bylaws. Diane stated that the attorney said it was ok to use Poultney’s by-laws as a sample template, but to make it reflect and be unique to Leicester. Julie will make all the edits as changes/edits are made. Board began to review the by-laws. Board will need new flood maps. Diane will contact Regional Planning to see what maps are available and report back. OLD BUSINESS - None OTHER BUSINESS - None PUBLIC COMMENT – None Motion by Jeff and second by Peter to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. to go into ZBA meeting. Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. Trombley, PC Secretary