Meeting Minutes - PC
Town of Leicester Planning Commission Meeting Tuesday, September 30, 2014*Unapproved* ** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Peter Fjeld, Jeff McDonough, Bill Shouldice Members Absent: Donna Swinington Others Present: Diane Benware, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Review Agenda: The working meeting for zoning regulation revisions was added to PC agenda. Meeting called to order by Peter at 6:18 p.m. with roll call. Approval of Minutes of September 9, 2014: Motion by Jeff and second by Bill to approve minutes of September 9, 2014 as written. All in favor. So approved. NEW BUSINESS: None OLD BUSINESS Working Meeting for Zoning Regulation Revisions There was discussion about flood maps and that there are no current flood maps. Diane reported that Tim Boutin stated that Addison County was not high on the priority list for new maps. Diane will see what ACRP has for current FEMA maps. There was discussion about the State’s Shoreline Protection Bill. The Board worked through the residential, agricultural, rural, commercial, and industrial and lake districts and reviewed the maps. There was more discussion about conditional uses and village districts. OTHER BUSINESS - None PUBLIC COMMENT – None Next meeting: November 14, 2014. Motion by Peter and second by Bill to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. Trombley, PC Secretary