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Meeting Minutes - PC

Town of Leicester
Planning Commission Meeting
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Donna Swinington, Chair, Peter Fjeld, Jeff McDonough, William Shouldice
Members Absent: Sue Stroud-Speyers
Others Present: Kate Briggs, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Meeting called to order at 6:45 p.m. with roll call.
Approval of Minutes of February 11, 2014:
Motion by Jeff and second by Bill to approve minutes of February 11, 2014. All in favor. So approved.
Work on Zoning Regulation Revisions:
Kate stated she needs some direction. We’re making changes where we know where they are needed, but not change format.
Article I: boiler plate language will carry over other than changes in State statutes. Take out the definitions and move to the end.
Our current regulations have zoning by-laws and subdivision regulations. Kate recommends the subdivision regulations become an article within the unified ordinance; like Sudbury and Salisbury do.
Article 2: Zoning Districts. Condense the narrative. Question on setbacks to consider.
Article 3: Administrative Functions: Need slightly better procedures and paper flow.
Articles 4 & 5: Need to read through.
Article 6: General Regulations.
Section 610: Existing small lots. Need to clarify language.
Section 611: Required frontage on, or access to, streets or public water. (needs to be rewritten)
Section 612: Protection of home occupations. We might want to add more.
Section 613: Requirements for sewage system. This section can say application is not complete unless waste water permit in place. Kate wants to rewrite this section.
Section 621: Access Permit and Driveway Standards. Need to put standards in and establish a clear procedure and form. Road Commissioner looks at and approves plan and then it goes to Selectboard for approval. Maybe State permit requirement language.
Section 634 – 640: Signs
Bill asked if there was anything on lighting around the lake. Kate explained the only area is under Section 641: Performance Standards. This only applies if someone applies for a permit. If someone already has a house and puts bright lights on it, there isn’t anything in the regulations for that.
Article 7: Flood Hazard Area Regulations – drop in the FEMA required language.
Article 8: Kate proposes to have definitions, maps, charts, zoning districts.
The Board needs to read through and agree on definitions. Kate will work on Article 6 first and then go back to Article 4 & 5.
New Business: None
Public Comment: None
Next Meeting: March 25, 2014 will be a combined ZBA & PC meeting.
Motion by Bill and second by Peter to adjourn at 7:30 p.m. All in favor. So approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
PC Secretary