Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Monday-December 3, 2007



**see subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present: Diane Benware (Chair) John McDonough, Bob Oliver

Members Absent:  Tom Barker, Mark Stacey

Others Present:     Donna Pidgeon, John & Mary Hughes, Bucky Shackett


Call to Order: The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

                      Pledge of Allegiance and agenda review followed.


Mr. Shackett, Health Officer, commented on the health issues at the William Coons property on Hooker Road.  Discussion followed that the Brandon Bank had cleaned the inside of the dwelling but no outside work had been done.


Approve Minutes: Motion by Bob, second by Diane to approve the minutes of 11/19/07 with one correction: under old business; should read: Historical Society/$150 for Band.  Minutes were then approved unanimously.


--Bucky Shackett inquired about the purchase of the manholes for Hooker Road near Tony Neri’s (referred to in old minutes).  John McDonough explained that they had ended up not needing to use manholes.


Review and Sign orders: The Board circulated and signed the warrants.

John commented that apparently the town did not solicit any pre-buy information for this year.  He feels that there should be a regular policy that the town should get all pre-buy information available every year.  Any pre-buy could be rejected but the town should have the information to decide.


Reports from town officials/committees:


--Donna reported that Nicholas Gill, who has appealed his appraisal to Superior Court, called to see if the town would negotiate before the hearing.  Harry Smith (lister) informed her that the town cannot enter into any negotiations after the appeal has been filed.


--Donna reported that Arlan did order the sander.  He decided not to order the stainless steel sander because it costs $1200 more and he feels the other will work just as well.



Leicester Selectboard Meeting Minutes—12/03/07                          page 1 of 2


--The Board reviewed a calendar of upcoming Hearings, conferences and meetings.


--Diane reported that tomorrow she will represent the town at Small Claims Court concerning the Blaise case.  Gary Smith, Salisbury Fire Chief, is also going and will testify to the intentional nature of the fires which should have some bearing on the outcome.


--Donna reported that Donald Foley has paid $800 of the $3600 bill for the fire at his house.  The money has been deposited into the victim’s compensation fund.


--John Hughes commended the board for taking steps to collect these monies and hoped that there is a written record of the good efforts of the Board.


--Donna advised the Board that (after 18 .5 years) she will not be seek another term as Clerk or Treasurer in March and the public should be made aware of this.


--Bucky Shackett mentioned again about the Coons property and the fact that if the town will need to clean up the outside, it should be done while the ground is frozen.  Donna stated that Mr. Lounsbury’s son of Hooker Road had been hired by the bank to clean the inside and is waiting for the bank to assume possession of the property so he can finish the outside cleanup.


New Business: Diane mentioned  that the Board had received a survey from the Road Recycling Council of New England.  It was suggested that Arlan complete the survey.


Old Business:  See Reports section above.


Public Comment:  Bucky Shackett asked about the status of the town shed replacement.  Diane said there was a feasibility study done.  Mr. Shackett said he had a copy.  Diane said that nothing more has been done.


Next Regular Meeting:  December 17, 2007


Adjournment:  On a Motion, the Board adjourned at 7:30 pm.



Respectfully submitted,


Julie Dawson

Recording Secretary


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