Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

February 5, 2007


PRESENT:  R. Oliver, M. Stacey, C. Todd, D. Benware (recorder) John was absent, as was Betty.   Others: Arlan Pidgeon

Meeting called to order at 7:02 p.m. by the Chair.  Flag salute recited and agenda reviewed.

Jan. 17, 2007 Minutes were approved as written on a motion by Bob, second by Ceil.  Motion passed unanimously.
Jan. 20, 2007 Minutes were approved as written on as motion by Bob, second by Ceil. Motion passed unanimously.
Jan. 22, 2007 Minutes were approved as written on a motion by Bob, second by Ceil.   Motion passed unanimously.

A correction was made to the Jan. 2, 2007 Minutes, under the Report from Town Officials.  Statement from Arlan SHOULD READ tire chains ONLY were purchased for the truck.

Ceil asked about the wording of the Warning regarding the audit.  She also added that the minutes of Jan. 17, 2007 did not appear to be on the town website.  Chair will resend to Deb Miner.

Arlan had nothing to report.

Chair has not yet reached Beth Ripley to determine if she would send bills for fires on behalf of the town to property owners.


1.  The CD at First Brandon for the building/land acquisition fund currently has $48,241.77 and is due to mature on 2/18. 
ACTION:  On a motion by Mark, second by Ceil, the decision was made to leave it at FBNB if the rate is equal to or better than National Bank of Middlebury.
Motion passed unanimously.

2.  Lister's Certificate of No Appeals was signed.

3.  Cal Lovin offered to take down the dead maple on the green, at whatever rate we felt was fair.  After discussion, with Arlan explaining he plans to take care of it, Chair was directed to inform Cal, thanks, but it will be taken care of by Arlan.  Cal also offered to leave his dump truck at the town shed and to supervise folks dropping off scrap metal.  This would be at no cost to us; he would keep any profit for himself.  Discussion centered around the same concerns voiced in our amnesty day discussion. 

1) Concerns with how to handle what might possibly be too much?

2) if folks are told no, will we be finding the items on the roadside? 

Chair directed to tell Cal thanks for the offer, but we will wait for now.

4.  Ordinance from Salisbury:  Jack Beasly had written "Civil Ordinance Respecting Health, Safety, and Welfare on the Public Highways and Other Public Lands", partly in response to Commissioner Sleeper's response to letters from both Selectboards in Leicester and Salisbury.  Chair made copies for all members to read and bring up for future discussion. 

5.  Highway Weight Restrictions from from VTrans:  Chair signed form, indicating that we do not post our roads, therefore the form does not apply.

6.  2 for 1 Paving grants:  We currently have $16,845 in 2 for 1 funds, therefore we are not applying at this time.  Chair will contact Tom Roberts (Dave Lathrop's replacement) to see if the Highway Structures Program might be used for completing the road and bridge inventory.

7.  Certificate of Mileage from AOT.  This is an annual report that requires signatures of Selectboard members, verifying the totals of mileage in town.  Signatures were affixed to the document.  According to the report we have:
Class 2:   11.1 miles
Class 3:   13.48 miles
Class 4:       .850 miles
State highway:  3.425 miles

8.  Humane Society contract:  Selected Option 2, on a motion by Mark, second by Ceil, passed unanimously, with a $425 annual charge, no limit for animals, and the document signed.

9.  Leicester Historical Society requests a donation of $150 to help pay for the band at the summer Flea Market.  The society will pay the other half.  Mark made the motion to approve this request, Ceil made the second, which passed unanimously.


Ceil requested that the town's email address be placed on the website.  Chair to see to it.


1. Ferson Road Culvert Project request for additional funds was denied.  Dave Lathrop authorized the larger culvert, and approved the added expense.  Mr. Roberts may not be aware of this.  Arlan offered to stop by and talk to Mr. Roberts first.  Depending on the outcome of that conversation, we may consider an appeal.

2.  Voice mailboxes have been set up, except for the Selectboard.  On a motion by Mark, second by Ceil, the Chair is authorized to make the recording.  Motion passed unanimously.

OTHER:  The consensus was to wait for the outcome of the application for conditional use by the route 7 property owners, before proceeding any further with junk ordinance.
Mark reported the property on Hooker Road is being cleaned up, to leave that situation alone.

Executive Session:
Motion to go into Executive Session by Mark, second by Ceil, to discuss possible legal action and a personnel issue.  Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to come out of Executive Session at 8:51 p.m., on a motion by Mark, second by Ceil, passed unanimously.  Chair will contact legal counsel about correspondence.

Motion at 8:52 p.m. to adjourn, by Bob, second by Mark.  Meeting adjourned at 8:52 p.m.

Next meeting Feb. 19, 2007

Respectfully submitted:

D. Benware