Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Monday-December 27, 2007



**see subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present: Diane Benware (Chair) Tom Barker, John McDonough,

                             Bob Oliver

Members Absent:  Mark Stacey

Others Present:    Donna and Arlan Pidgeon


Call to Order:   The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm.


Treasurer’s Report:  Donna Pidgeon, Treasurer, briefed the Board on several line items of the 2007 budget for which the Board needed to approve.


Reappraisal:  Balance of line item for reappraisal (1953.01) to be transferred to the Restricted Reappraisal Fund.  Action:  Motion/Second to approve transfer; Unanimous.

Sheriff’s Dept.:  Balance of line item for Sheriff Dept. (4405.38) to be transferred to Equipment Fund.  Action:  Motion by Diane/second by Tom to approve transfer; Unanimous.

Highway Budget:  Some line items will show a balance at year-end (grader repair and ditching).  Action:  Motion by Tom/second by Bob to approve transfer of $10,000 to the Restricted Ditching Fund; Unanimous.


Small Claims Court Case:  Diane reported on the Blaise Hearing she attended on December 4, 2007 with Salisbury Fire Chief, Gary Smith.  The Court found in favor of the town of Leicester.  However, on December 6, 2007, Blaise requested the case be re-opened as he had not been notified of the Hearing’s change of date.  Diane has responded to the Court and is awaiting further action.


Storm Water Mitigation Grant:  This grant of $150,000 is not yet completed.  It calls for the town to provide 20%.  The storm water run-off on Hooker Road is a good candidate for this money because of the impact on the lake.  There was a lot of discussion between the Board and Arlan (road foreman) about possible ways to improve the road and ditches to handle the run-off.


Request/Secretary Compensation:  Diane read a letter from the current secretary to the Board, Julie Dawson.  She has requested to be paid a flat rate per meeting instead of an hourly rate.  The rate includes time spent on the minutes.  Action:  Motion by Bob/second by Tom to pay a flat rate of $50.00 per meeting; Unanimous.


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Correspondence:   The Board received a letter from the Vermont Coalition advocating a new way to fund education.  This is to be presented to voters on the March ballot.


Town Report:  Donna stated that the Auditors need reports from the town officers by January 10, 2008.


Next Meeting:  The Board set the next regular meeting for Monday, January 7, 2008 at 7:00 pm.


Adjournment:  On a Motion, the Board adjourned at 7:57 pm.


Respectfully submitted,


Julie Dawson, Recording Secretary




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