Special Meeting Minutes
September 20, 2007
UNAPPROVED - Check subsequent minutes for changes
Present: R. Oliver, T. Barker, D. Benware (recorder) (Mark out of town, John unable to attend, but had given his preferences in a phone call earlier)
Others: Donna Pidgeon
Meeting called to order at 6:18 p.m. by the Chair.
Given that Paul Francoeur discovered a greater degree of rot and deterioration along the top of the gray "insulation" and based on his recommendation of replacement with Versitech Board for the base of the Town Hall
ACTION: Bob made the motion, Tom the second to approve the purchase of said materials at a cost of about $915.00, taking the funds from the budgeted maintenance for the buildings. Motion passed unanimously.
Bob made the motion to have Paul Francoeur paint the rear (north) wall of the
Meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m., on a motion by Tom, second by Bob.
Next regular meeting is Oct. 1, 2007