Meeting Minutes 01-16-2017
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, January 16, 2017*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, John Rouse, Brad Lawes Others Present: Julie Delphia, Arlan Pidgeon, Richard Reed, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Approval of January 3, 2017 minutes: Motion by Tom and second by Brad to approve minutes of January 3, 2017 with correction of day of next meeting to Monday, January 16th, instead of Tuesday. All in favor. So approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by Tom and second by John to approve bills. All in favor. So approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Road Foreman: Arlan reported that they hauled gravel and graded the gravel they spread. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie changed the Animal Control Officer’s phone number on web-site and she changed all the signs. Delinquent taxes are at $127,000 and change. Julie sent a request to Angela & Greg to come to the meeting in regard to school information. Hannah said she would try to make it, but all the information they have is in the meeting minutes and on Peg TV. Julie sent a letter to Jeanne Collins, Superintendent. The Superintendent responded by basically saying she couldn’t give the Board any information and for us to just assume everything is going to be the same and indicated that the Board can’t be pushed to make decisions. Julie said there was an article in the local newspaper. Cemetery Committee: Health Officer: Weight Permits:Velco permit was approved. CORRESPONDENCE: NEW BUSINESS: Conversation with ACSWD Rep, Richard Reed: Introductions were made. Richard came to talk about the new Vermont Universal Recycling Law under Act 148 and provided a couple hand outs. This year it is going to impact municipalities. Effective July 1st, the town drop-off must start receiving food wastes. Beginning July 2020, food scraps are banned from the landfill. The Board of Supervisors of Solid Waste District developed an Ad hoc committee to talk to municipalities. Richard volunteered for this committee. They have met twice. The district will provide containers to be placed permanently at the drop off facilities. Richard doesn’t know if they are providing containers to homeowners. The hauler can charge the homeowner for the food scraps. The district will provide flyers for Van to hand out. There are questions for Van. Brad stated that we don’t currently have a clear picture of how much the volume is going to be. The big haulers already have a schedule for schools and restaurants. The small haulers most likely do not. This can be a big burden for the small haulers. It’s up to the small haulers to figure out how they are going to handle this. Richard stated that they encourage people to compost. Diane stated that she invited Van to come tonight to the meeting. She indicated that she might be inviting Richard and Van back at a later date. Selectboard Report for Town Report: Diane provided a draft of the Selectboard Report for review and edits. Diane will add a paragraph about Act 148. Julie needs the Health Officer Report. Julie asked RNESU about the school’s part for the Town Report. They intend only to provide the Superintendent’s Report, Unified Board Report and Budget Report. OLD BUSINESS: Budget Review (Approval): Julie provided a final review of the budget and explained minor changes. Motion by Brad and second by Tom to approve proposed budget. All in favor. So approved. Warning Review (Approval): Julie discussed all the items in the warning; budget, amount to be raised by taxes, changing the date of taxes until November 15th, changing first and second constable to appointed, clarification that constables do not have enforcement authority, Australian ballot is all the positions, Hospice for $500. In addition to this, they will be voting on the new OVUU Budget and four positions on their Board. There needs to be a BCA meeting. BCA members need to stay and count. Motion by John and second by Brad to sign the warning barring any unforeseen changes. All in favor. So approved. Formalize Date for Unified Bylaw Hearing: On the meeting of December 5th, Julie reviewed to the Board her plan for the Selectboard hearing; however, it was simply a plan and the Board did not agree, at that time, to that date, and the Selectboard did not set a date for the hearing. The Selectboard set the date of Monday, February 20th for the open public meeting. Motion by Tom and second by John to set the date of Monday, February 20th for the Unified Bylaw Hearing. All in favor. So approved. BUILDING NEEDS: HIGHWAY CONCERNS/NEEDS: Town Shed: There were two proposals from Kevin Betourney for the shed roof. Proposal 1 is for standing seam with scissor truss on top of existing roof and R30 insulation for $35,042.44. Corrugated metal for $30,335.24. Proposal 2 is to install R11 unfaced insulation over existing roof, install insulated nail board over whole roof R25. Acrylic membrane is $24,934.41, corrugated metal is $25,480.07 and standing seam is $26,070.08. Ron mentioned not to forget the vents that will need to be closed off. Arlan stated he thought we needed more information and recommended more over hang. Board decided to table the proposal until Arlan talks with Kevin. Revisit after Town Meeting. LIMITED PUBLIC OPINION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion by Tom to adjourn at 7:45 p.m. Next Meeting: Monday, February 6, 2017 Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. TrombleySelectboard Secretary