Meeting Minutes 08-07-17
Town of LeicesterSelectboard Meeting MinutesMonday, August 7, 2017*Unapproved*** See subsequent minutes for any changes Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, John Rouse, Brad Lawes Others Present: Arlan Pidgeon, Julie Delphia, Sandra Trombley, Secretary Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair. Pledge of Allegiance: Review of Agenda: Added garbage at Fern Lake Access & BLSG. Approval of July 17, 2017 Minutes: Motion by John and second by Tom to approve minutes of July 17, 2017 as written. All in favor. So, approved. Review/Authorization to Pay Bills: Motion by John and second by Brad authorizing Julie to pay bills. All in favor. So, approved. Reports from Town Officials, Committees: Road Foreman: Arlan filled the holes on Bullock Road and put up Winding Way sign. He needs to get some more signs. Town Clerk/Treasurer: Julie reported that the Milfoil Grant came through and she submitted the first invoice to the State. Calvin Loven reported to Julie, the continued garage being left at the Fern Lake Access, that he has been cleaning up. He was wondering if something could be done. He may need to start charging for the clean-up. There was discussion. The Board didn’t think a sign would do any good. The Board approved paying Calvin an additional $20 per month for this extra work. Julie reported that Lem Palmer would prefer to do the roadside mowing sooner rather than later. Board said he could start next week. Julie will call him to let him know. The Town Plan is all good to go; except for the Energy Plan part. Tax bills will go out sometime next week. Cemetery Committee: Health Officer: Weight Permits: CORRESPONDENCE: NEW BUSINESS: Set Tax Rate: Non-Residential: 1.6553 Residential Homestead: 1.5231 Board agreed to waive the late filer fee and signed and set tax rate. Sign Loan Documents: All Board members signed the loan documents. Copier Discussion: Julie reported that she has not been happy with the leased Canon copier or the service of the Canon copier. Julie received two quotes for a copier very similar to what they have, plus color capability which would be nice to print tax bills. Both quotes came in less than what they are paying right now; if they go with a 5-year contract. Julie also asked about a way to scan maps. They need some way to do the maps. Something to think about down the road. Motion by Tom and second by John to approve a new copier. All in favor. So, approved. PVR Letter: There was discussion about 2016 property valuations. Julie reviewed the letter with the Board. Motion by Tom and second by Brad to approve and acknowledge to send a letter with full board signatures to address the altering of numbers in a certified document. All in favor. So, approved. BLSG: Brad reported that there was going to be a special BLSG meeting tomorrow. The budget is shot, the inventory carry-over is gone, their product is gone and they need to order some more product. Some places are mosquito free, but other areas are still terrible. They need to decide what they are going to do and communicate with each town about what is going on. Brad will report back at the next Selectboard meeting. OLD BUSINESS: Japanese Knotweed: Bullock Road: Arlan looked at it. There was discussion about the knotweed. Board’s decision was not to dig it up at this time. Tom asked if Arlan wanted to share the training he went to Wednesday at Regional Planning and the Agency of Natural Resources, about permitting and hydrological segment grants for culverts. They plan on spending a day with each town to update current culvert inventory. There is some confusion about the software costs. Julie will call Josh or Kevin to get information on the IT side of the project and expense. BUILDING NEEDS: HIGHWAY CONCERNS/NEEDS: Town Shed: John brought the proposal from UFO to do the 36’ x 60’ roof with 3” spray foam and fire retardant paint on the Town Shed for $8,600. Arlan will contact Butler Building one more time. Fence on Reserve Road: John reported that the fence is not good and needs to come down. The upper part is gone. John will talk to Rich Butler about the fence. LIMITED PUBLIC OPINION: EXECUTIVE SESSION: if needed. Motion by Tom and second by John to adjourn at 7:55 p.m. Next Meeting: Monday, August 21, 2017 Respectfully submitted, Sandra L. Trombley