Meeting Minutes
Town of
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday, December 29, 2008
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Bob Oliver, Ken Young, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker
Others Present: Arlan & Donna Pidgeon, Kylee Rochon, Bill & Mary McHugh, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 6:35 by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda Review: Agenda reviewed. The minutes for December 15th meeting will be reviewed at the next meeting.
Arlan: Salt is ok. Sand is ok. There is still the problem of non-residents taking sand. This is a long standing problem.
Kylee: Working on end of year reports
Road/Highway Concerns:
Tom mentioned a few signs in town that have been spray painted by vandals. Stop sign coming off the
Action: Arlan needs to change out road signs
Preliminary Budget:
$84,000 has been taken in for delinquent taxes. There is $134,000 with interest and penalties still outstanding. Diane sent a letter to Beth Ripley on behalf of the Board authorizing her to do whatever necessary to collect all delinquent taxes.
Town received $167,169.52 for the Paving Grant.
Town has not received FEMA money. Donna had signed all paperwork awhile ago, but Town should get at least 75% of $38,000, maybe a little more.
Law Enforcement: $13,644 last year. $4,000 to equipment. $11,120.87 was income from fines. $9,612.64 was expense. Difference goes into Equipment Fund.
Action: Motion by Tom to authorize Kylee to transfer $1,500 from the General Fund to the Equipment Fund. Seconded by Ron. All in favor. So approved.
Reappraisal money is restricted funds for the next appraisal.
Action: Motion by Bob to authorize Kylee to pay $1.1 million to
Action: Motion by Tom to authorize Kylee to begin the process to borrow money on next year’s budget. Seconded by Bob. All in favor. So approved.
Contingency Fund - Fire Expense. Budgeted $10,000 and expenses came in at $16,000. Diane has still not heard anything from the Brandon Fire Department. Diane sent a letter to Bob Kilpeck that Board needed to have numbers for budget purposes by January 19, 2009, expected bills once a month, and clarification on previous bills.
Bob indicated before we sign anything with the Brandon Fire Department we need to continue to converse with
Bridge #6 Restricted Funds $60,000 is really the Highway Fund. It is in a Money Market in Middlebury Bank. The voters approved the transfer in September. The money was never moved. Tom would like the minutes to reflect that the Bridge Fund is really the Highway Fund sitting in a Money Market in Middlebury Bank. The money was not moved to the Highway Fund in
Action: Diane will contact Deb or Dot for spreadsheets for budgeting.
Diane stated that Kylee has been organizing requests by appropriation in a folder. We have received about half of the usual requests. Two significant changes are: Brandon Area Rescue is changing to a per capita per person basis. Last year they requested $3,105 and this year they are requesting $5,125. We have had a contract in the past with the Humane Society for $450 and this year they are asking for an additional $1,000 to help maintain the animals that are there.
Diane thanked Kylee & Donna for their help.
Review & Sign Orders for Payment:
Bills are making their rounds for signatures.
Other Business:
New application for a liquor license from James Perlee & Dale Counter, Leicester General Store. Motion by Tom to approve liquor license. Seconded by Bob. All in favor. So approved.
Bob talked with Paul Francoeur about work necessary for
Tom brought up trimming brush at the cemetery. John Quelch talked with Gus Letourneau and he indicated he would do the job for $500. The Board will take this under consideration when building the budget.
Tom brought up budget for Town Clerk’s salary. Will be discussed in Executive Session.
Donna called ZA last week and left him a message on the Town’s cell phone in regard to the Quenneville subdivision hearing. Donna asked him to send her a copy of the survey or leave it with Kylee or somewhere in the office. Donna intends to talk with him personally about this. He never returned phone and Donna gave him at least a week to do so. She had to come to the Town Office and gather the information herself. She ended up not needing to come to the meeting. She was not happy.
Donna suggested that when the ZBA sends notices to the adjacent property owners that they include the copy of the permit and any other pertinent information at the same time.
Donna indicated the dimensions on the survey did not match the dimensions on the permit. ZA never called her back and she wanted to talk with him about that. She wanted him to be sure that the dimensions were changed on the permit to match the survey because they should. If the Town is paying for the cell phone then he should be answering the calls and returning calls. If not, then he should return the phone and someone else will answer it and return the calls.
Kylee indicated that she has the same situation where she calls, calls, calls, and he never answers or returns the calls. People come looking for him with questions and concerns and Kylee has to bear the frustrations of these people.
Ron received a call from ZA. He returned the call and couldn’t get an answer. Ron indicated ZA sent out emails that Ron refused to leave a message. Ron couldn’t leave a message because he didn’t know why ZA was calling him.
Diane shared an email she sent to ZA about certain issues Dunmore Acres, communication, timeliness of calls and inquiries and the return email from ZA.
ZA could not attend the December 15, 2008 as Board requested. ZA also could not attend this meeting of December 29 th requested by the Board as he was out of state.
Action: Diane will call or email requesting ZA’s presence at the next meeting.
Bob made a motion to contribute $60 to the Harvest Program for the wreaths that they put on the buildings. Ken stated “no” they were a donation to the Town of
Action: Diane will send a thank you note to the Harvest Program for wreaths donated to the Town.
Tom introduced himself to Mr. & Mrs. McHugh. Diane introduced the Board and others present.
Executive Session:
Tom made a motion to go Into Executive Session at 8:10 p.m. to discuss personnel matters.
Out of Executive Session at 8:25 p.m. No action taken.
Motion by Tom to adjourn. Seconded by Ken. All in favor. So approved. Adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary