Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Monday, April 21, 2008



** see subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Bob Oliver, Ken Young.


Others Present: Cecile Todd, John Hughes,

Kylee Rochon


Call to Order: Meeting called to Order at 7:05 pm; Followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Agenda Review: Diane reviewed the items to be discussed during meeting. Including: Key for Zoning Board Secretary Jenna Trudeau, Key for Cecile Todd as Lister, and Key for Delinquent Tax Collector for Beth Ripley. Hooker Road. Green up information. Tom asked to discuss Keys and Zoning Administrator in Executive Session. All board agreed. Approval of April 7th & April 14th minutes.


Minutes Of April 7th: Bob made a motion to approve the April 7th minutes, Second by Ron. Motion passed unanimously.


Minutes Of April 14th: Bob made a motion to approve the April 14th minutes. Second by Ken. Motion passed unanimously.


Reports from Town Officials: Kylee stated that things are going well as Town Clerk and Treasurer. Cecile stated that the Listers have a meeting set for April 8th at 1:00 pm. This is the first Lister's meeting. Cecile has gone to one course and is taking some courses this summer. Cecile went and visited the Lister's in Cornwall to see what they do.


New Business:

---Action: Cemetery has been cleaned up.

---Action: Approved weight permits pending Arlan looking at them.

---Action: Office bathroom fixed.

---Action: Municipal Grant Training will be Thursday June 5th @ 7:00 p.m. Stephanie Smith is going to come and speak. The grant pays for the training. This meeting is also for the public.

---Action: John wanted the key issue to be discussed out of executive session. The select board wanted to keep the discussion for executive session so they can come up with a key policy.


Old Business:

---Action: Hooker Road. Arlan has not yet been able to do anything with Hooker Road. Diane put a question in to Linda Bodette from Better Back Roads asking if paving the road would have impact on the storm water mitigation grant. Linda stated that it wouldn’t have impact on the grant so we should continue with the grant. Paving the road will help the road from erosion. Arlan might be interested in doing the work on the roads. John asked if we are going to have the plans approved by all the state agency’s involved.  Selectboard stated that we would get approval before we do anything. Gary Dubois looked at what needed to be done and has given his suggestions as to what should be done.

Trees are going to need to be removed on the Westside and also the steps that Mr. Kelly has put in along with his driveway on the Westside.  Issues that need to be worked out are: Is Arlan going to do the work? If so what will it cost? Also what is going to happen with the trees? All this has to be worked out because of the Storm Mitigation Grant. Tom made a motion to send a letter to Mr. Kelly stating that per Mr. Kelly and Mark Stacey’s agreement he can remove those trees that they agreed upon.  Mr. Kelly can also cut the trees on the west side. Second made by Ron. Motion passed unanimously.

---Action: Green up is May 3rd. Lemm is going to do the pick up of materials, a trailer will be over by the sand pile. Kate Briggs is handing out bags. Bags will also be available at the town office. There will be free Hot dogs, Chips and Soda to anyone that brings bags over between 11:30am -2:30pm. Shaw’s and Hannaford’s have made donations.

---Action: Capital Budget Plan. Addison County Regional Planning May 20th meeting at the VFW from 5:00-9:00pm. Invitations went out to all towns. Space is limited. The meeting is for select board and road foremen for each town.


Limited Public Comments: Tom brought up that the town sign is tipped between Salisbury and Leicester. Tom was given permission to talk to Salisbury again about it. Joyce was already given permission to get someone to fix the sign and to bill us.


Executive Session: Bob made the motion to go into executive Session to discuss the Zoning Administrator, Key policy and pending legal action. Seconded by Ken at 7:29pm. Motion passed unanimously. Motion made by Ron to come out of Executive session. Seconded by Tom. Motion passed unanimously.

Action: A motion was made by Tom to make a policy for the keys, seconded by Bob. Passed unanimously. Policy was made to give keys to only as follows: Selectboard, Town Clerk /Treasurer, Zoning Administrator, Head Lister, Zoning Board chair, Delinquent tax collector. Passed unanimously.

Action: Tom is going to speak with Andrew the Zoning Administrator.

Action: Ron made a motion to set up a meeting with Harry for May 5th to talk about the Dunkley- Gill legal case. Seconded by Tom. Passed unanimously.


Motion to adjourn: at 8:11 pm made by Tom, second by Bob.


Next Meeting: May 5th, 2008 at 6:30 pm.



Respectfully Submitted,

Kylee Rochon - Selectboard Secretary