Special Meeting Minutes
Town of Leicester
Special Town Meeting and Vote Minutes
Monday, September 8, 2008
** See subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: Diane Benware, Tom Barker, Ron Fiske, Bob Oliver, Ken Young
Others Present: Jeffrey Wallin, Moderator, Sandra Trombley, Secretary
Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Moderator, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Warning Reviewed: Moderator read warning; and opened for discussion.
Article 1. Will the Town vote to transfer all remaining funds from the Restricted Bridge #6 Repair Fund, (approximately $51,000) to the town Highway Fund?
Carol asked a question whether the funds from the Restricted Bridge Repair Fund to the General Highway Fund would be for current use. The Chair answered “yes”, the Town is making their final payment of $4,230 this month. We have been paying $9,000 per month for the last 35 months. The money the Town has set aside and grant money has been invested. A statement dated 8/29/08 has a closing balance of $67,586.58, of which the final payment will come out. We have been in contact with the Agency of Transportation who has not sent us the final document, but for all intensive purposes we are done with the Bridge Fund. All documentation has been done and sent to FEMA with the hope that we will get some reimbursement. In the meantime we need to continue with repairs and document cost. At this time, we are looking to put the money into the highway fund for road repairs in case there is no money from FEMA. At the end of the budget year, if there are any funds left, the Board traditionally transfers the money to special funds to help defray road repair costs.
Discussion from Cecile Todd about whether any surplus money from the highway fund could be used to help reduce the following year’s taxes. The Board felt the money would need to be used for current highway repairs. Money would be used for Hooker Road.
No further discussion on Article 1.
Article 2. Will the Town vote to use the previously approved 20% ($30,000) match for a Federal Stormwater Mitigation Grant for work on Hooker Road, to be used by the Town, solely for completion of the Hooker Road project?
At town meeting, one of the Articles that was approved was to allow us a $30,000 match for a Federal Grant. We were thinking very seriously about applying for federal funds. After Town Meeting and further discussion with other people, we found out we wouldn’t be able to access that money for a year from now, September 2009. This was the last year to apply and the competition was going to be quite fierce for the Grant. It was recommended to us by the Back Roads people that if we could fund it ourselves, that would be the way to go, and that was what we did. We have done the work on the road. A great deal of ditching has been done, grading, and now paved. The Town did the work and it was not part of the Stormwater Grant. It will not raise your taxes. Article 1 money will subsidize Article 2 money to help pay for the Hooker Rd Project.
Arlan said work was all completed except a few stones to be set back.
Concern from a non-voter about work done on a private road on Lincoln Drive that doesn’t have a proper apron and feels it will not hold up. He has talked with Arlan about it. He is concerned that it might break down in the future and affect his driveway. He wants to go on the record.
Other Business: Tom Barker stated that they had a meeting with the State today. We are not going to get FEMA money for the Rte 53 bridge, but there is some federal money that might be available and we will try to get some. The bridge on Rtet53 will now be repaired.
Motion to adjourn by Bucky Scarborough, seconded by Linda Rheaume. All in favor. Adjourned at 7:25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra L. Trombley
Selectboard Secretary