Meeting Minutes
Town of Leicester
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday-January 7, 2008
**see subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: D. Benware (Chair) T. Barker, J. McDonough, B. Oliver
Members Absent: M. Stacey
Others Present: John & Mary Hughes, Donna & Arlan Pidgeon, Harry Smith
Call to Order: The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm.
Pledge of Allegiance and agenda review followed.
Approve Minutes: Minutes of 12/03/07-correction: under Reports; should read: Donna reported that $800 of the $3600 bill for the fire at Foley’s has been paid. The money came from the victim’s compensation fund. Motion by Tom, second by John to approve the minutes with the above correction; unanimous.
Minutes of 12/27/07-Approved as written. Motion by John, second by Tom; unanimous
Review/Sign Orders: The Board signed the orders for bills.
Reports from Town Officials/Committees: Arlan reported that he has the new sander on. Tom said that the cemetery committee had not yet met.
--Diane said the auditors need reports by 01/16; that the list of open offices needs to be in the paper.
--Donna mentioned that January 28 is the deadline for articles.
--Diane will write Article for the Warning.
--Harry Smith, Lister, gave a general report about grievances and reappraisal.
--John asked if the petition for the War Memorial needs to be on the Warning.
In general, the Board would like to have the sign built with space available for additional names when needed.
New Business: Lawn Mowing Bids-- proposed criteria and wording for the advertising of roadside, cemetery and Town Green mowing bids was discussed.
Roadside mowing will be weather-permitting and at the direction of the road commissioner to allow for two mowings. Also, Tom thought it should read that the Board has the right to accept/reject any and all bids.
Action: An ad will run for 01/17; 01/24 in the Addison Independent. The bids will be opened on 01/28.
The Certificate of Highway Mileage was signed by 3; all that is required.
Old Business: Small Claims/Blaise—Diane reported that she had sent the Court a letter stating that the town objected to a new Hearing on Dec. 11, 2007. The
Court has set an Appeal Hearing for Feb. 29 at 8:30 am. The town has until Feb.21 to file any additional memoranda; however, she said that the town has presented everything it has and discussed it with town counsel.
Bob reported that the Meeting House door has some weather/water damage and that he will try to provide a temporary fix with plastic adhesive.
Tom will call the dog catcher to clarify some charges on a bill presented for hours and mileage.
Public Comment: None
Next Regular Meeting: Monday, January 21, 2008 at 7:00 pm
Budget Meeting: Monday, January 14, 2008 at 7:00 pm
Executive Session: Action: Motion by Tom, second by Diane at 8:07 pm, to enter into executive session for the purpose of discussion at a Lister request; unanimous.
Motion by Tom, second by John to end executive session at 8:55 pm; unanimous. Action: Motion by Tom, second by John to authorize Harry Smith to speak with town counsel re: pending legal action; unanimous.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn by Tom, second by John at 9:07 pm; unanimous.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Dawson
Recording Secretary