Meeting Minutes
Town of
Selectboard Meeting Minutes
Monday-February 4, 2008
**see subsequent minutes for any changes
Members Present: D. Benware (Chair) T. Barker, J. McDonough, B. Oliver
Members Absent: M. Stacey
Others Present: John & Mary Hughes, Donna & Arlan Pidgeon, Jack Beasley
Call to Order: The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Old Business: The Chair suspended the order of business to allow Jack Beasley from the Salisbury Selectboard to speak. Jack was asking
The Board discussed this at length. Action: Motion by John, second by Bob:
Review/Sign Orders: The Bills were circulated and signed by the Board.
Approve Minutes: Motion by Tom, second by John: to approve the Jan.21, 2008 minutes with corrections; unanimous. Corrections: Motion for budget item for salary of clerk, $5000; salary of treasurer, $5000 was John, Bob, Tom “aye”; Diane, “nay”. Motion for budget item for $1400 asst clerk and $1800 for clerk/treas. training; vote was unanimous. Motion for building repair increase to $10,000; vote was: John, Bob, Diane “aye”; Tom “nay”.
Motion by Tom, second by John: to approve the Jan. 28, 2008 minutes with one correction; unanimous. Correction: add the statement that one reason the Board chose the winning bids was because they provided proof of insurance while the others did not.
Reports from Town Officials/Committees: Arlan reported that several people are taking sand from the town sand pile. There is no problem with residents taking some for their driveways; however, some commercial outfits with sanders have been loading up sand. They will be told that they will be charged for the sand. Also, the owners of Cattails will be contacted to inform them that they cannot use the
--Donna has received three calls about vehicles parked on the
New Business: Several items under new business were discussed including:
--Survey by Cersosimo Industries of Brattleboro—they are proposing a 5-lot subdivision and the ZBA has requested input from the Selectboard re placement of curb cuts. Tom said that this a major subdivision and that it should be handled by the ZBA and Road Commissioner. Action: Motion by Tom, second by John: To send this matter back to the ZBA as the Road Commissioner and Road Foreman (not Selectboard) are responsible for the decision on curb cuts. Unanimous. [The road commissioner, John, will attend the ZBA meeting on Feb. 12].
--Audio System—Ron Fiske has a high-quality system and is offering to use it at Town Meeting for $100.00. This should reduce complaints that people cannot hear. Action: Motion by Bob, second by Tom: To authorize Ron Fiske to set up the system for use at Town Meeting for $100.00; unanimous.
--Budget Issue; town clerk/treasurer salaries—The amount budgeted is insufficient to cover the amount that Donna will receive for Jan. & Feb. plus 5 days in March and also cover the $10,000 budgeted for a new clerk/treasurer. Action: Motion by Bob, second by John: To amend at Town meeting and put before the voters that we made a mistake and we would like a correction ($83 X 10 months). Unanimous.
--Animal Contract--Each year the Humane Society contracts with the town to handle stray animal cases. There are two options; by the case or a flat rate. Action: Motion by Tom, second by John: To accept the flat-rate option of $500.00 year; unanimous. Diane signed the contract as Chair. Donna suggested that the fee could be paid out of dog licenses.
--Insurance Claim—Diane reported that she contacted VLCT about coverage for the ceiling of the Meeting House and was told there is a $500 deductible. There are no estimates of cost at this time.
The town has received an estimate from Paul Francoeur for $3286.00 to paint the exterior woodwork /windows of the Meeting House. Discussion about putting work out to bid. Action: Motion by Bob,second by John: To offer the work to Paul Francoeur to scrape, prime/paint the exterior of the Meeting House; unanimous.
--Liquor License—Paperwork was submitted by the Leicester General Store for a license. Action: Motion by Tom, second by John: To approve signing the liquor license; unanimous.
--Road permit—Miner Excavating of Vergennes submitted a roadway permit request; permit was signed.
--Town Highway & Bridge Weight Limits form from the State; if the town has any special weight restrictions the form must be filed with DOT. Previous years have stated that there are no restrictions other than the state standards.
--Diane read an answer from the secretary of state with regard to a question about executive session posed by Mr. Hughes.
Executive Session: Motion by Tom, second by John to enter into executive session at 8:37 pm to discuss legal matters; unanimous.
Motion by Tom, second by John to end executive session at 8:44 pm; unanimous. No Action Taken.
Next Regular Meeting: Tuesday, February 19, 2008 at 7:00 pm.
(Please note the meeting will be Tuesday, not Monday).
Adjournment: Motion by Bob, second by Tom: To adjourn; unanimous.
The Board adjourned at 8:44 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Dawson, Recording Secretary