Special Meeting Minutes
Leicester Selectboard Minutes of Special Meeting on Mon., April 14, 2008
* See subsequent minutes for changes
Present: R. Oliver, K. Young, R. Fiske, D. Benware (recorder)
Others: Shelly Glassner, Donna Swinington, Heidi Schuerger, Gerry Flint,
Linda Rheaume, Lawrence Felion, Kylee Rochon, Jenna Trudeau
Meeting called to order by the Chair at 7:04 p.m.
Flag salute recited.
Public comment sought.
The plan should have been submitted and reviewed in February of this year, the 5 year anniversary of its adoption. In Sept and Oct '05 significant changes occurred in municipal/regional planning development, which will need to be incorporated into the future plan. The Planning Commission has requested a 2 year re-adoption of the plan in order to review, update and print the subsequent plan. Public hearings will be held to solicit input. Heidi informed the group of relevant materials that are available on-line, and she also offered to scan any documents that currently are not in electronic format to make it easier for Jenna to transcribe them.
ACTION: Bob made the motion, Ken and Ron the second, to re-adopt the Town Plan for 2 years. Said motion passed unanimously.
At vpic.info you can find, Planning Manual, Land Use Planning Implementation Guide, Planning and By-law Adoption Tools.
Motion to adjourn made by Bob at 7:22 p.m., second by Ron. Meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m.
Next regular meeting Mon., Apr. 21 at 6:30 p.m.