Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester

Selectboard Meeting Minutes


Monday, November 17, 2008




** See subsequent minutes for any changes


Members Present:  Diane Benware, Bob Oliver, Ken Young, Ron Fiske, Tom Barker


Others Present:   Arlan Pidgeon, Sandra Trombley, Secretary


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 6:35 by Chair, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Agenda Review:  Agenda reviewed. 


Diane reported on an FYI about the final environmental impact statement for the Middlebury spur (OMYA) evaluates the impact about the no build/to build alternatives and several other options associated with the build alternatives.  The Board can review Diane’s copy or go to the VTrans web-site and report back.


Bob Oliver brought up the culvert by Jim Sherwin’s.  He would like to make a motion to put the culvert in before the ground freezes.  Arlan would like to wait until spring.  Chair stated we would bring this up later in the agenda.


Approve Minutes of November 5, 2008: 


Motion by Tom to approve minutes of November 5, 2008, seconded by Ron. All in favor.  So approved.


Review & Sign Orders for Payment:

Bills are making their rounds for signatures.


Reports from Town Officials, Committees:

Chair went back to what Bob said about the situation at Jim Sherwin’s, we’re talking that you have to cut across Maple Street?  Arlan stated that this week doesn’t look good for paving, it’s too cold.  I think we better let it go.  Temperature has to be above 50-60 degrees.


Arlan stated there would be a help to have another culvert above Jim Sherwin’s.  We need to talk with LeComptes on Maple St. about driveway culvert because he would need to dig.


Motion to postpone the culvert work until spring unless the weather changes and is favorable.  Seconded by Ken.  Bob abstaining.  All in favor.  So approved.


Arlan attempted to contact Mr. Mason and he hasn’t called Arlan back.


Arlan reported that he:

·        Put the culvert in on Hooker Rd./Jeff Smith’s property

·        Put the culvert in by Nicklaw’s

·        Put the culvert in by Van BenThuysen on Shackett Rd.


Arlan did not get any hot patch down on the railroad crossing.  Someone has put some down; it must have been the State.


Action:  Bob will call the railroad and see what we need to do.


Discussion on culvert fund.  Salt shed repairs.


Action:  Chair will speak with Treasurer about bills, their breakdown and totals assigned to particular line items.


Lister Report:  None


Cemetery Report:  Tom set markers, but the committee has not met.


Treasurer:  None


New Business:

In December, we will be meeting the 1st, 15th, and 29th to begin to talk budget.  The work that we did on the RSMS Grant can point out areas we may want to target for next year.  Diane received letters for request for funds from several agencies.  Received other comments about what needs to be done.


Tom commented that Jay Brown might be available to work if the Town needs someone to cut brush.


Bob will call Coons to see if he has people for community service work.


Old Business:

Bob asked that the Bullock Road be graded.  There are holes to patch.


Tom reminded Arlan about a pot hole at the end of Ferson Road by the stop sign. 


Fire Bills Update:

Diane talked with Tom Whitaker about Selectboard’s frustration with the fact that the Town received a pack of bills with no explanation as to when they needed the money, until Mr. Kilpeck came in and informed us that we had less than 48 hours to pay the bill or that we weren’t going to have fire service. 


Ray Counter sets up the meeting.  On Wednesday, December 3rd at 7:00 P.M. at the Fire House, Diane has asked that the Selectboard be the first topic on the agenda to meet with the Prudential Board.


Diane had some conversation with Tom Whitaker about the billing procedure.


Mr. Churchill contacted Diane about the fire bills he received.  He disputes the bills and we need to bring his comments to the Prudential Board.


Emergency Coordinator Update:

Ray has cans and kerosene.  He wants to store the cans at the Town Shed.  He will bring fuel to individual.  Ray is willing to check furnace problems.  Ray doesn’t want to make the decisions.


Public Opinion:  None


In Chair’s mailbox was a note from Chittenden County Solid Waste about a tip fee increase.  The new tip fee will be $20 per ton for in district materials and $25 per ton for out of district materials.


Executive Session:  None


Motion by Tom to adjourn.  Seconded by Ken.  All in Favor.  Adjourned at 7:37 P.M.


Next Meeting December 1, 2008.


Respectfully submitted,



Sandra L. Trombley

Selectboard Secretary