Welcome to Leicester, VT

A Great Place to Live

Meeting Minutes

Town of Leicester
Special Selectboard Meeting
Thursday, Feb. 28, 2008

**See subsequent minutes for changes

Present:  J. McDonough, R. Oliver, T. Barker, D. Benware (recorder)
Others:  Donna Pidgeon, John Hughes, Mary Hughes

Bills were circulated and approved.  Tom raised the questions why Andrew (ZA)  was placing the ad for the Zoning Secretary, rather than Gerry.  Donna also informed the Board that no Zoning minutes had been taken/ recorded since July, with the exception of those taken by Julie Dawson.  It was determined that a meeting with the Zoning Board and the Selectboard should be planned in upcoming weeks to discuss concerns.  Chair was authorized to contact Andrew and Gerry to set up a meeting.

Several road permits were signed by the Road Commissioners, pending approval by Arlan.

Tom brought up the issue of the pending sale of the Alden House, which has been brought up as a potential site for town shed expansion. It IS on the National Register of Historic Places and there may be restrictions on the removal of the building from the property. At this time, the Board is not prepared to act on the property.

The remainder of the meeting was spent reviewing the Warning and the budget.  Donna acknowledged 2 errors which will need to be handled at the meeting.  The Board incorrectly calculated the salary for the new Clerk/Treasurer, which needs to be increased by $830 total.  The line for the Addison County Tax needs to be increased by $3,100 because 3 payments were due, not 2m as they changed to a fiscal year and had budgeted for 17 months.  The town made a payment on Feb. 4, 2008, which was after the Town Report had gone to press.  There were also several spelling errors and errors in names/positions noted.

Mr. Hughes reminded the Board that the Listers should also keep minutes, especially when the Grand List is signed, when grievances are heard and when the Listers reorganize.

Motion to adjourn at 9:00 p.m., made by Bob, second by John.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Next meeting is Wed., March 5, at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of reorganizing and any other business.

Respectfully submitted,
D. Benware